food MikeUSMC: "Bury Me in Smoke"

The Hot Pepper said:
I am impressed with the juiciness
Thanks mang! :cheers:

The Hot Pepper said:
was there staging? (slices dipped or spritzed for the pic
Nope :)

The Hot Pepper said:
or did it cut this wet?
Yup :)

One thing I’ve learned from smoking all of these briskets is that it is absolutely impossible to “overinject” them ;)
They’ll leak out whatever they can’t “hold”

Plus, I usually wrap in butcher paper (AND foil) around 160-165ish, then drizzle some beef broth (or brisket mop) over the top of it before I seal it up too. I lay down 2 layers of foil, then 2 layers of butcher paper, then the brisket on top of that. Do the beef broth / brisket mop thing, then seal it all up and it goes back on the smoker until it hits the final temp. I’ve been pulling them at 192* lately. Once it’s done, wrap in a thin blanket, then in a moving blanket, then rest it in a cooler for at least an hour. I’ve rested them for over 6 hours before, with no problems. Lots of wiggle room, lol

No spritzing at all for the pics. Just juicy brisket :)
You can see the au jus in the measuring cup in a couple of the pics. That’s all from inside the foil after the resting period. After I carve it, I put the slices in the pan and dump the juices on top :)

I wish I’d taken finished pics of the burnt ends! :mope:
MikeUSMC said:
All I*m gonna say is that if Harry Soo injects his $250 Snake River Farms Wagyu competition briskets, it*s probably a safe bet...

(Spoiler alert: He injects them with Kosmo*s brisket injection ;) )
Well hell, I guess that's what injection was thought up, fer, huh....

And I bet I could find some of that Kosmos injection right around the house here...
Made some tasty ribs the other night :)
St. Louis cut, smoked over B&B briquettes and cherry chunks on the whiskey barrel










Damn, that whiskey barrel just keeps pumping out awesome que! And to be replaced with GAS? smh
Edit: I stand corrected! Just read the other thread re: CHARCOAL GRILL, so nevermind. The barrel lives! Carry on.
Ashen said:
Pretty good cook there.

Don't worry, you'll get better once you get used to this smoking thing :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Cut me some slack!!! I*m trying my best here!!! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Meanwhile, Im in my garage right now, pounding down coffee, and pacing back and forth like a jungle cat...

(Talking to myself)
*I contacted him FOUR minutes ago!... Why hasn*t he replied?... it*s probably sold already... I probably missed it... shit... WTF is this guy*s deal?... why is this taking SO long?!?!*

Fingers crossed, boys! :pray:
I*m gonna have to move those shelves up a few inches ;)



These 22s are a LOT bigger in person than I thought they*d be! :shocked: :rofl:

I wanted to fire this thing up right away and play with the vents a little, but it*s getting a little too late in the day already. Maybe I*ll do that while I*m having my coffee in the morning. I*ll probably do a little fooling around with it tomorrow and throw a couple slabs of ribs on ;)

The bottom grate that holds the charcoal is pretty rusty, and the cover that came with it is pretty brittle. But, it*s a 2013 model, and everything else looks to be in great shape. Looks like the guy took very good care of it. For what I paid for this thing, I honestly have ZERO complaints :) (so far ;) )


Test run on the WSM went pretty damn well. Set it up using the minion method (seems to be the most popular way of running these), using Kingsford Original briquettes and a few chunks of mulberry wood and a big chunk of apple. 3/4 of a 20lb bag ran for at least ten hours for me, running at 260*. I sniffed out the coals after 10 hours, but it was still running strong


First time using mulberry. To me, it*s a pretty mild wood, and slightly fruity. I held a chunk up to my nose to see what it smelled like, and it was tough to put into words. Smelled pretty good though, just not as pungent as cherry or apple wood. Much milder. I think this would be a killer wood for smoking some peppers for powder!


I let it run dry (no meat; just charcoal and a 3/4 full water pan) for about 4-5 hours so I could try to get an idea of how to work the vents to control the temperature. I was originally aiming for 275*F. Started with all vents, the one on top and three on the bottom, fully open. Within 15 minutes of dumping the chimney into the center of the fire basket, it was at 225*, so I closed the bottom vents down to the width of a pencil. A half an hour in, it climbed to 250*, so I closed the three bottom vents down to about half the width of a pencil. It stayed damn close to 255*, and only fluctuated from 248*-260* for about 2 hours. I was very impressed with how solidly it held the temps there, so I just left it alone. Here*s a 2 hour snapshot:
(I edited the probe name to say *Smoker Temp* now, not *Smoked Temp* :rolleyes: )

Ended up making some more St. Louis cut ribs, with minimal trimming, and used a bunch of Malcom Reed*s products. No binder; hit them with a light dusting of his A.P. rub, then the Hot rub, then The BBQ Rub. Open smoked for 2 hours at about 260*, then wrapped in foil with the vinegar sauce for 1.5 hours, then open smoked after basting with a 50/50 combo of the vinegar and BBQ sauces to glaze for 15 minutes.

^ He makes some good sheeeeyit

The ribs:




How*s this for a dental impression? :party:


I think my biggest takeaway from cooking on this thing would be to not keep the lid off for too long. Anytime I had to take the ribs off to wrap (or unwrap, or whatever), the temps would spike up. Rookie mistake, on my part. More air = more heat :doh: I should*ve known better, but I guess I just wasn*t thinking about it at the time. One time, it shot all the way up to 310*, but closing off the bottom vents and closing the top vent halfway got it back down to 270* within 15 minutes. I was pretty impressed with that because I thought it would*ve taken a lot longer.

Overall, I*m extremely happy with the WSM, and I can easily see why they*re so popular. My only regret is not getting one of these a long time ago ;)

Thanks for looking


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Real nice, Mike! I've had that damned Wagyu/Angus side for almost a week and the fookin' wind has been constant at 20-25 mph ever since. The wife DEMANDS that I do filets first, and she's boss on first cook.
We're supposed to get a couple more days of wind, then rain for a week. My love for June is testing me....