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Mill's 2011

Very small update today, all taken on my phone which has no autofocus so they kind of suck, but you get the gist.

Tree Hab new growth


Specially for Kevin, Rhomb flowers.


OK so I don't know if this has been asked and answered in the past, but...... tree hab?....nickname for a old big guy or actual variety????
Wow they are flowering for ya already.. Excellent!
They look so cool, I'm diggin those yellow flowers!

That Tree Hab is reaching for the sky,,man that sucker is gonna get huge!

Nice work Noah !

Plants are looking awesome MW.

Did the mosquito dunk water work on the gnats for ya, or did you switch to plan B (whatever that is)?
Still trying to get things back after the big hail storm a couple weeks ago. So, just a few shots today.

Just for you Kevin :) ha ha ha!



Couple jals with what looks like the start of some sort of deficiency.

Wow Noah!!!!
That Rhomb is absolutely loaded man!
I think that has to be the prettiest flower of any pepper out there!
Now I'm gonna go yell at mine! :lol:

I do think that the Rhomboideum plant is one of the best looking ones out there. Whenever friends come over they ask what kind of plant it is and no one believes it's a pepper.
Millman I really like the view from your place. A man could do some relaxing around there. Any homes in your neighborhood for sale?
Damn. So I ended up losing a ton of plants to that storm/hail that came through a few weeks ago so I just keep starting more seeds. Why not right...

Tree Hab took a huge hit from the storm but is bouncing back pretty well.



Other than that I am hoping that most of my other overwinters will pull through here in the next few weeks because almost all the seeds I started this year were decimated. Cheers!!
Sorry to hear of the hailstorm Noah!
That Tree Hab is coming back with a vengeance tho!
It will be challenging the Oaks and Pines for sunshine soon! :cool:

Thanks Mascalzone, I really do love that Rhomboideum plant.

And thanks Kevin. No worries, I will still have plenty of plants to tend to if even half of my overwinters make a full recovery, and I am still starting seeds so...
I love watching the tree hab updates. Will that ever be like a maple and not have to go in for winter? I would think if the roots go deep enough, but I am probably wrong,