• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

mmcdermott1 Grow List Log 2011

Well here is my grow list and status. I had a smaller home built greenhouse but I am quickly running out of room so I built a 8' long x 2' deep x 4' high one last night. Used reflective 4x8 sheet in back and bottom/sides/top are some r13 insulation that is suppose to have 98% reflectivity. We shall see. As of now, I have 445 seeds planted and/or purchased and 147 germinated seeds. Other than the 2010 Jalapeno, all seeds with a "0" germination have not been planted yet and/or were just planted in the past few day. My favorite new supplier is Trade Winds Fruit. Their seeds are germinating at an unbelievable rate. My current list is....

I understand, mmcdermott. Don't do anything to get booted. Ya'll must be some crazy tomato growers and eaters. I have a hard enough time keeping up with 4 roma plants, one cherry plant, and two regular tomatoes. You guys must really love the licopene!
Well its not very warm outside..but it is inside the greenhouse! My babies got to go OUTSIDE for a while today! (well about 1/2 of them) woo hoo!




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Is there a club for Pepper Porn Addiction??...I need to sign the hubby up. :rofl:

After you finish signing up your hubby,could you please pass the list over here, so I could sign up SuperHot as well? :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Guys, your peppers are doing fantastic.

We have some peppers in our bedroom for now. :lol: The weather is still pretty cold here. My son and I went skiing today ,it was in 20’s and slopes were pretty hard to ski on. What can I say, we live in Vermont.:lol:

Everybody is fed and back in their warm homes. You should hear them all talking about their sunbathing day. It's like a big party down in the basement :dance:
Hey, MM1--what is your strategy for moving various sized seedlings in and out of your greenhouse? Is it mainly temperature driven or are you hardening them for the sunlight?

edit: I know the dose of rays would be good, but why not just leave them in there? Do you have a cut-off point for night temps, and do you feel the sun at this time of year is still insufficient?
Well I dont leave in yet for 2 reasons. 1. I am hardening off slowly with the sun..greenhouse is pretty intense compared to the lights inside. 2. It gets down in the 20's at night here :) I wouldn't have any plants left!
Well I dont leave in yet for 2 reasons. 1. I am hardening off slowly with the sun..greenhouse is pretty intense compared to the lights inside. 2. It gets down in the 20's at night here :) I wouldn't have any plants left!
Thanks for that! Just trying to get a feel for my own small greenhouse utilization. Didn't realize you were still under such extremes.... :cool: I guess overall hardening for a gh can't be overlooked.