food Mmmmmm...poppers!

chilehunter said:
thanks, TCG

TB - the poppers are looking great but missing the normal ingredients we're used to seeing. like a beer or shot of tequila inbetween each step :lol: :P

CH dear sir, it is a given that my Mexican friend "Anejo", and my Czeck friend "Pilsner", are in attendance when we get down brown in the Blues Kitchen. Sessions spent with my good "friends" will soon yield results in the form of a superpopper that could in fact implode the culinary world. Testing has been in progress the last few weekends and data being gathered as of this posting.

Cheers, TB.
Ok there will be some poppers tonight. All I can say for sure at this point is jalapenos, 7-pot, Fatalii, Chipotle Cheddar Sausage, bacon, cheddar pimento cheese and lots of spices. Pics to come in a few hours.
They are in the oven right now. Added a little bit of a twist, along with the other ingredients I mentioned I also chopped up some pepperoni, and wrapped half of them in bacon and the other half in Black Forest ham. I took the prelim shots already, waiting for the money shot then I'll post them.
Did you drink a beer while constructing the PIQ's? (poppers in question) If no...then you're doing it wrong! Man up and return to the fridge and slam 2 hosky's now!

Cheers, TB.

Here's the ingredients. (Well most of them)

And the money shot. Had a little extra pepperjack cheese so I added that at the end. May have used a little too much heat by adding the Lethal Ingestion to the mix of the meats cheese and fatalii/7pot combo. Whoa!
texas blues said:
Sorry to hear that you will be "slumming it" at the MGM but.... for the occasion I have a batch of salmon going in the marinade today. I'm looking forward to seeing you!

Cheers, TB.

Are you gonna marinate that salmon for a month?...remember, I'm not coming in until March can call this a test batch...roflmao..

JayT...those peppers look like so goooooodddd...
AlabamaJack said:
Are you gonna marinate that salmon for a month?...remember, I'm not coming in until March can call this a test batch...roflmao..

JayT...those peppers look like so goooooodddd...

AJ...doh! I wrote down the wrong dates in March. I was thinking 2 through the 6th of March. S'kay though...I'll have some nice smoked salmo atlanticus ready for you.

Cheers, TB.
cool TB...sounds like it is going to be a good the time gets closer, I will PM you with details of my schedule...heck, I don't even know yet except I am getting in on Monday afternoon and coming back on Thursday afternoon..
JayT said:

And the money shot. Had a little extra pepperjack cheese so I added that at the end. May have used a little too much heat by adding the Lethal Ingestion to the mix of the meats cheese and fatalii/7pot combo. Whoa!

Sorry JayT...couldn't check it at the ole jobsite. Poppers look tres bon! Little green "canoes" of cheesy love! You sir could be the next in line to attain status as "Popper Overlord" is Friday night which is also POPPER NIGHT here in the big dry ditch of Las Vegas. I'll be busy shortly in the Blues Kitchen. I have to mix a batch of pizza dough for tomorrow, breakout the foodsaver for the smoked salmon I did today and get to work on the poppers. Can you say..."goat cheese"?

Muahahahahahah, TB.
Goat cheese...Mmmmmmm. These damn things I made were so HOT that I could only manage to eat 5 last night. Had a couple with lunch and still have a couple left. I will go on record as saying Fatalii + 7-Pot + Lethal Injestion = JayT's ass: kicked. looking forward to hearing/seeing your latest creation. I will never be the King 'O Popper, I am just a student of the game.
Wow! Sounds like you need the veritable ice cream butt plug. I have on deck, chorizo, goat cheese, sundried toms, minced habs and roasted garlic for stuffing. Could be bad juju.. I started the brewhaha's and shots of my Mexican friends early while making pizza dough and foodsaving the salmon. Pray for me! I am juggling ball throwing for my dog Missylou, popppers, pizza dough, and salmon at the same time. On top of that my loser friends are calling me drunked up from the infield at NASCAR Las Vegas this weekend.

Pics tomorrow...

Cheers, TB.
Well ya'll I managed to pull off throwing the ball for Missylou, foodsaver the smoked salmon, mix pizza dough and saute the chorizo mix for the poppers all at the same time even while sampling brewhaha's and shots with my good friend "anejo".

I stuffed the poppers with...

sundried tomato
goat cheese
cheddar cheese
jack cheese

The chorizo/goat cheese were the real stars of these poppers...the other cheeses mainly acting as a binder so the goat cheese didn't melt off into the pan altogether.

Behold ya'll!!



Cheers, TB.
I am now offering an all expenses paid trip to----Omaha!! One lucky winner, TB or JayT, will be chosen to come to my house and cook poppers!

You two are freaking killing me! Keep it up! I was reading IGG's pizza thread and got motivated to make pizza and now after watching you two here I want poppers too. Oh... how about a "popper pizza? Or better yet make a popper then roll it up in pizza dough. Can you say Popper Calzone? Hhhmmmm...