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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
Armadillo said:
I bought some habaneros today for my saturday night poppers. The last ones bought at the same shop were nicer.
Did you save seeds from the scotch bonnets?

Didn't save the seeds. :(

Did you make your poppers?
Armadillo said:
Yeah, I did... ...but was in a hurry and didn't take pics... TB will not be amused...:oops:

'Lawd have mercy! NO PICS????? Jesus take me now. Reach down from heaven and strike me down and pull my beating heart from my lifeless body. You will show more mercy unto me than the Phillistine's that deniest the postingeth of the sacred and holy popper pics. Woe unto them. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth in that day of reckoning when all shall be revealed, yea, even their camera smart cards will yield no love unto me and thee for they are empty and souless. For their reward awaits them in the "Lake of Fire".

Cheers ya'll and repent of thine wicked ways, TB.
WARNING!! Some members may find these images arrousing!

Was at the local flea market today, which is surrounded on the outskirts by Mexican farmer's markets. SOOOO many huge beautiful ripe red corky jalapeno. I wanted to buy them all. Instead I bought the biggest tastiest ones I could find, and decided to make absolutely pornographic poppers.


Sweet spicy ripe canoes from heaven await their stuffing. Yes, I split them to the stem and leave the whole pepper together. Makes them infinitely more poppable, and sexy to boot.


3 Chopped Habs, 3 chopped FRESH de arbols, and 1 chopped Manzano pictured here were combined with cream cheese, shredded chedder, leftover jalapeno/hab ground beef, leftover rice (both from burrito night), garlic, salt, and black pepper.


The stuffing all mixed. Always ends up being to be too much, but that's why some smart FU*$er invented crackers.


Some fratboy tumbled outta my freezer holding this bottle. More popper porn follows...
The kids all wrapped in the bacon haz-mat suits await a trip to 400F.


And the finished product. Crispy on the outside, gooey on the inside! I submit these to the almighty popper overlords for approval.

Most excellent FS!! Two thumbs up. Popper Overlord approved. I would however make a suggestion or two. After stuffing the poppers and before wrapping with bacon, toss them in the freezer to set up for an hour, then wrap with bacon and into the oven. That way the cheese won't ooze out before the bacon is done. Another way is to go the same route you did but before the cheese starts oozy goozing, toss the poppers under the broiler to finish them. Makes for a better bacon and a better popper.

Bottles of alcohol in a pic while prepping the poppers yields extra points!! Keep on poppin' amigo.

Cheers, TB.
Much appreciated compadre... I gave them a few runs under the broiler and ended up crispier than the pic. However, your freezer trick will be tried on round 2.
Easter Sunday Morning Stuffed Grilled Jalapenos...

I am NOT going to work in the garden today...today is a day of rest...

Picture of ingredients....oh yes, and the Sunday Morning Defcon Zero Bloody Mary

stuffed and on ready for the grill....the aluminum foil on the right has the left over stuffing in it...

And a happy Easter Sunday to you AJ. Wow! You have the BIG popper grill! Looking forward to the finished product. I'll see your poppers and raise you some babybacks...later.

Cheers, TB.
cool on the raise TB...here is the finished product and my plate...I am surprized how good the canned turkey tastes...it is wonderful...


crap you guys are so far ahead in the poppers stakes, i haven't met anyone over here that has heard of or tried them but anyone i've given my simple cream cheese, ham, garlic and onion stuffed attempts to have loved them.
i'm well into the spiced minced beef filling a bit like a burger in a chilli rather then a chilli topped burger.
RB I know you don't cook much but if you were to do up a batch of poppers and post pics, stories will be told of your legend and children will sing songs of you.

Cheers, TB.
You mean they don't already??? I mean, she does eat like...50 habs in a week! My ribs are a' cookin' right now TB.