food Mmmmmm...poppers!

Thanks Dyce. They tasted mighty fine to me. The jalapenos were better but I cored one and honestly couldn't be arsed doing the rest. I think I need a lend of TB's melon baller.
peppers stuffed with other peppers....AMAZING!!
Looks great. Lots of flavor going on in those. Looks like you did 'em RIGHT!

I have made a few batches since the last time and this time I took pics.

jalapenos and some sort of yellow hab.. they vendor at them market didn't know exactly what kind.. fatali? not sure.

stuffed with bacon bits, cream cheese, old cheddar, mushrooms, fresh minced garlic, chilli powder, berbere powder, paprika, some smoked habenero powder , black pepper. Wrapped in great bacon. I even added a booze shot to help make up for the last fail.




i seriosly need to try and do some of these with some orange habs. (i need to eather make more sauce or do something with them cuz pretty soon they will start dieing.) now just need to get ahold of some Italian sassage meat then i will be good.

so what do you guys say to 5year old canadian reserve white cheddar on top of some old yellow cheddar as a shapness bost?
MMMMMMMM, except the beer choice looks good. Ha ha

I have some Bishops Hats that I am going to be making popppers out of very very soon.
JayT said:
I don't know what was in the bowls, but give me the bacon poppers and beer and I'll be happy!

Looks like romaine, blue cheese crumbles and either french or italian dressing. Blue cheese, bacon and 'peno's are a great combo.

I have a dozen or so habs I have fresh picked. Poppers could be on board for Drunken Chef tomorrow night!

Salute', TB.
Way to rock that Natty Ice. You can float Natty Ice on top of Sam Adams Summer Ale to make a drink I like to call "This Tastes Like Shit".

I like to use crappy beer in my pics too, good form!

The poppers look great, noshow and ashen. how did the hab ones taste?
