food Mmmmmm...poppers!

that would taste like shit.

habs tasted hot as hell (and flavorfull) but not a lasting hot just like a couple minutes (tops 5) i get with a hab popper cooked. (cream cheese really cooled heat compared to like a meat filling.)
instead of black n tan...
-shit n sam-
Noshownate said:
that would taste like shit.

habs tasted hot as hell (and flavorfull) but not a lasting hot just like a couple minutes (tops 5) i get with a hab popper cooked. (cream cheese really cooled heat compared to like a meat filling.)
instead of black n tan...
-shit n sam-

So they were hot or not hot?

Stay tuned for goat cheese popperss.....okay maybe I'm post whoring..


Salute', TB.
Ahhhhh yes. Normally I would post this in Drunken Chef but given the nature of the mayhem it is more appropos to post here. I was going to do up some poppers using some habs I had picked this week but they were on the smallish side and deemed them better utilized in a sauce. I had some 'peno's and fresno's and opted to go with them. I gathered up the ingredients...goat cheese, shredded cheddar, shallot, garlic, sundried tomatos and let the mayhem begin.

Obligatory booze shot with ingredients...


The melon baller is king to hollow out the chile's!


The comal workin' overtime..


The seventh wonder of the world...behold the poppers!


There it is ya'll. Get your popper 'thang goin' on.

Salute', TB.
I'm eatin poppers right now! Only prob is no pics, so FiveStar FAIL!!!

Sundried mater poppers sound like an excellent idea TB. Especially on the comal!

Good job takin up the slack on the booze pic fails. I see you've now chosen to walk the path of the boozey sages and include pics of unopened hoskys to be consumed later so as to satiate the alcoholic minions around here like myself...

Noshownate said:
that would taste like shit.

instead of black n tan...
-shit n sam-

Noshownate with the comeback WIN


Might have to try one of these just so I can say I... Wait, what am I saying!?!

Nice looking poppers TB. I love the burnt cheese! Only one question, where's the meat? Looks like some damn fine poppers just the same. Good to see you are drinking again too.
Noshownate said:
habs were hot tb were the frsno's hot?
i suck at comebacks

I got lucky. The fresno's had a nice burn. The japs.....I poured on some of my hab sauce.

JayT said:
Nice looking poppers TB. I love the burnt cheese! Only one question, where's the meat? Looks like some damn fine poppers just the same. Good to see you are drinking again too.

The goat cheese was the "meat". Damn fine stuff too! Drinking again? Oh ...that's right....I quit every night just before I go to bed.

Salute', TB.
ugh damn guys these things are looking better and better every time i see this thread.. to bad i dont have any decent peppers in the grocer all we got is "stoplight bell peppers"
texas blues said:
I got lucky. The fresno's had a nice burn. The japs.....I poured on some of my hab sauce.

The goat cheese was the "meat". Damn fine stuff too! Drinking again? Oh ...that's right....I quit every night just before I go to bed.

Salute', TB.

I was referring to the photo proof of said drinking. You said yourself if there are no pics, it never happened.
Made some poppers today while playing Drunken chef.

Jalapenos filled with a taco meat mexican cheese mix then topped with cheddar:


Wrapped in bacon and sprinkled with rub:


Finished product:

"Common sense, science and practical informative data have no place on the THP forum and cooking in general. I much prefer a cacophonic blend of lies and heretical idealogue, heresay and innuendo, all backed up by a ouji board and a drunk witch doctor. All excellent tools answering Mrs. Blues when asked any question cooking related or otherwise."

I like your new signature!
I consulted my ouija board regarding the keystone light, and it said:


I think that means keystone light is awesome because it has a plastic liner.

Cheap beer WIN! Way to go, JT.
imaguitargod said:

Those are my two air fresheners in my car. The bacon one hangs from the mirror and and the beer one sits in the drivers seat! The cops always let me go because all of sudden they get hungry and have to leave!

You're all making me hungry.. I'm doing this tomorrow night and I'm going for the bacon wrapped! I'll take pix.
N_FF said:
bottles ftw... except i dont like beer... bottles of tequila ftw.

Canadian and doesn't drink beer? Who are you really and who are you working for? CIA? KGB? SMASH? CHAOS? We'll find out soon enough compadre.....

: begins searching for a hose for waterboarding :

Salute', TB.