frydad4 said:Way to rock that Natty Ice. You can float Natty Ice on top of Sam Adams Summer Ale to make a drink I like to call "This Tastes Like Shit". ...

frydad4 said:Way to rock that Natty Ice. You can float Natty Ice on top of Sam Adams Summer Ale to make a drink I like to call "This Tastes Like Shit". ...
Noshownate said:that would taste like shit.
habs tasted hot as hell (and flavorfull) but not a lasting hot just like a couple minutes (tops 5) i get with a hab popper cooked. (cream cheese really cooled heat compared to like a meat filling.)
instead of black n tan...
-shit n sam-
Noshownate said:that would taste like shit.
instead of black n tan...
-shit n sam-
Noshownate said:habs were hot tb were the frsno's hot?
i suck at comebacks
JayT said:Nice looking poppers TB. I love the burnt cheese! Only one question, where's the meat? Looks like some damn fine poppers just the same. Good to see you are drinking again too.
texas blues said:I got lucky. The fresno's had a nice burn. The japs.....I poured on some of my hab sauce.
The goat cheese was the "meat". Damn fine stuff too! Drinking again? Oh ...that's right....I quit every night just before I go to bed.
Salute', TB.
imaguitargod said:BACON AND BEER!
N_FF said:bottles ftw... except i dont like beer... bottles of tequila ftw.