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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

Made up some poppers to munch on while watching the Jets-Colts game this afternoon. Was going to take some prep photos but the camera was dead, so just some finished shots here. Poppers were jalapeno stuffed with Co-Jack, Piave and Mozzarella cheeses, sour cream, homemade chili powder and some onion, then wrapped in bacon.
texas blues said:
Linky no worky for piccy.
Damn, let's try this again shall we?
Out of the oven:

On the plate with a cup o' ranch for dipping
I think it's about time someone resurrect this great thread to remind the good folks at THP that poppers should not go forgotten! Tossed to the wayside with blatant disregard! FOr SHAME! FOR SHAME!
Blister said:
I think it's about time someone resurrect this great thread to remind the good folks at THP that poppers should not go forgotten! Tossed to the wayside with blatant disregard! FOr SHAME! FOR SHAME!

So where 'da pics at? Not so much as a pequin....
texas blues said:
So where 'da pics at? Not so much as a pequin....

Well... Uh... no. I was hoping no one would realize the lack of poppers. I only brought this thread up so I could look down my nose at y'all. I had no intention of making poppers :whistle:

Gonna do up some more wings, but since I've looked through this thread I'm going to have to do up some poppers at some point again.
OK, I am into this. As I type the latest culinary creation is in the oven, the smells that are filling the house....YUM! We are talking about truly unique ingredients never seen to grace the inside of a pepper!

Pics and recipe to follow..............
I highly doubt if I am truly the chosen one.............But I have done my best to become one of many. My unique ingredient is.............SPAM!

Here is the rundown:

Spam, Chopped
Shredded Cheddar
Shredded Mozzarella
Chopped Purple onion
Cream Cheese
Chopped Hab
Ground black pepper
Minced Garlic
Mexican Blend Shredded Cheese

The Stuffed:

6 Jalapeños
1 Orange Habanero

And now for the Happy Photos!

The ingredient line up:

The Stuffing all mixed up in a bowl:

Peppers halved and stuffed:

Standby for the finish!
RS67Man's Spam and cheese poppers!

And we continue!!!!!

Tenderly wrapped with bacon and in the pan ready to bake:

Baked for 20 minutes, broil for 5, sprinkle with Mexi Cheese, place back into oven for a minute to melt.

And now the money shot! I must admit I am not a big drinker of alcohol, and being that there was not any real beer in the house, I opted for the kids beer. These were REALLY good! Hands down the best poppers I have ever had!! MrsRS even enjoyed a couple. The Hab poppers were really good and HOT! :mouthonfire: Very unique flavor!