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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
paulky_2000 said:
Hot damn, Jay!!! Those look amazing!!!

I'd eat the whole plate!!

Okay....NOT the plate....;)

BTW...I thought it was Corelle....my bad!

Thanks, and actually, you are right it is Corelle. My bad, I forgot what my own plates were. Well, they were the missus before we met, so not a valid fail. Maybe a half-a-fail.
JayT said:
Thanks, and actually, you are right it is Corelle. My bad, I forgot what my own plates were. Well, they were the missus before we met, so not a valid fail. Maybe a half-a-fail.


No fail my, my friend. But I do love being right! :rofl:

They are tough little plates....aren't they?
They are Corelle but made by the Corning Glass Company I was trying to be funny calling them Corningwear. I've been to the factory in Corning NY. It's pretty fascinating.
Pepperfreak said:
They are Corelle but made by the Corning Glass Company I was trying to be funny calling them Corningwear. I've been to the factory in Corning NY. It's pretty fascinating.

I've dropped them from shelf-level......deflecting off the countertop......hitting the floor.....bouncing.....and hitting the floor again.

Then picking it up and putting it away.;)
Armadillo said:
Mozzarella is a good call! But make sure it's water buffalo Mozzarella!
From what I know that's the only one that's allowed to be called Mozarella? =) Btw, why should it be water buffalo, how is the taste different? I have eaten Mozarella, but I'm no expert so I'm curious.

paulky_2000 said:
There are no rules when it comes to poppers....just fill'em with what you like!
I figured =) Part of what makes them great I guess. But I also think you should have some sort of fat/cheese thingie on it so it doesn't dry out in the oven. That's why I feel hindered by not liking cheese.
e.z said:
I figured =) Part of what makes them great I guess. But I also think you should have some sort of fat/cheese thingie on it so it doesn't dry out in the oven. That's why I feel hindered by not liking cheese.

I like a bit of parmesean/romano, bread crumbs, and white wine. Then you can add crab, shrimp, bacon.....whatever you like. Not too cheesey that way!
e.z said:
From what I know that's the only one that's allowed to be called Mozarella? =) Btw, why should it be water buffalo, how is the taste different? I have eaten Mozarella, but I'm no expert so I'm curious.

In Germany you also can buy cow milk mozzarella. The taste of buffallo mozzarella is a bit more intense.
paulky_2000 said:
I like a bit of parmesean/romano, bread crumbs, and white wine. Then you can add crab, shrimp, bacon.....whatever you like. Not too cheesey that way!

You say that like being too cheesy is a bad thing. ??? I'm sorry, but for me the more bacon, the more cheese, the better!!!
JayT said:
You say that like being too cheesy is a bad thing. ??? I'm sorry, but for me the more bacon, the more cheese, the better!!!

Oh noooooooo!!!! But for someone that doesn't care for cheese...it's be perfect!

Hell, I LOVE cheese!!!
I cannot have cheese- and there are a variety of things you could stuff in a pepper. I am thinking a pilau (or however you spell it) might be good, or a recipe that calls for ground meat filling- I had friends who stuffed bell peppers with a meat mixture with no cheese- surely something similar coudl be put in a popper!
Celeste said:
I cannot have cheese- and there are a variety of things you could stuff in a pepper. I am thinking a pilau (or however you spell it) might be good, or a recipe that calls for ground meat filling- I had friends who stuffed bell peppers with a meat mixture with no cheese- surely something similar coudl be put in a popper!

Celeste, I commonly stuff pepper with a ground meat mixture and sometimes even add rice to it. After stuffing the peppers I have sometimes just covered them with a tomato sauce and baked or wrap them in bacon and bake. Both are very delicious. I have several bags of stuffed peppers in the freezer that is just a meat mixture, beef and pork along with some spices to flare them up.
Pepperfreak said:
Celeste, I commonly stuff pepper with a ground meat mixture and sometimes even add rice to it. After stuffing the peppers I have sometimes just covered them with a tomato sauce and baked or wrap them in bacon and bake. Both are very delicious. I have several bags of stuffed peppers in the freezer that is just a meat mixture, beef and pork along with some spices to flare them up.

I've did this plenty of times but was using bell's & had cheese in them, stuffed peppers.
though I cant see any reason why not doing this for hotter chiles.

celeste - whats pilau ?
just be creative for the ingredients for poppers, I bet it could be an endless of choices & you'll open our minds to other ingredients for poppers w/o using cheese.
I cant wait to see what you come up with.
Here we go! I made these this weekend after being super inspired by this thread ;) Found some big habaneros and jalapeños to fill up with goodies.

Yum yummy!

The habaneros made us sweat since we are not as hard core as you guys. I used moose meat and portabello for filling and mozarella on top. See more here.

* 4 jalapeños
* 2 habaneros
* Mozzarella

* 100g minced meat of moose
* 1 small portabello
* 1 tomato
* 1 clove of garlic
* 1 tbsp tomato puré
* 1 tbsp fresh thyme
e.z said:
What do you mean? =)
Just that a popper is a whole pepper to me, the halves are popper halves. Still a win bro!
texas blues said:
Excellent offering e.z.! Thus sayeth The Popper Overlord. Amen.
:D woohoo thanks!

thehotpepper.com said:
Just that a popper is a whole pepper to me, the halves are popper halves. Still a win bro!
I see, as I thought. Might try "whole" poppers another day just to feel more complete ;) The popper overlord made his in halves though... :P