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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

paulky_2000 said:
Hot damn, Jay!!! Those look amazing!!!

I'd eat the whole plate!!

Okay....NOT the plate....;)

BTW...I thought it was Corelle....my bad!

Thanks, and actually, you are right it is Corelle. My bad, I forgot what my own plates were. Well, they were the missus before we met, so not a valid fail. Maybe a half-a-fail.
JayT said:
Thanks, and actually, you are right it is Corelle. My bad, I forgot what my own plates were. Well, they were the missus before we met, so not a valid fail. Maybe a half-a-fail.


No fail my, my friend. But I do love being right! :rofl:

They are tough little plates....aren't they?
They are Corelle but made by the Corning Glass Company I was trying to be funny calling them Corningwear. I've been to the factory in Corning NY. It's pretty fascinating.
Pepperfreak said:
They are Corelle but made by the Corning Glass Company I was trying to be funny calling them Corningwear. I've been to the factory in Corning NY. It's pretty fascinating.

I've dropped them from shelf-level......deflecting off the countertop......hitting the floor.....bouncing.....and hitting the floor again.

Then picking it up and putting it away.;)
Armadillo said:
Mozzarella is a good call! But make sure it's water buffalo Mozzarella!
From what I know that's the only one that's allowed to be called Mozarella? =) Btw, why should it be water buffalo, how is the taste different? I have eaten Mozarella, but I'm no expert so I'm curious.

paulky_2000 said:
There are no rules when it comes to poppers....just fill'em with what you like!
I figured =) Part of what makes them great I guess. But I also think you should have some sort of fat/cheese thingie on it so it doesn't dry out in the oven. That's why I feel hindered by not liking cheese.
e.z said:
I figured =) Part of what makes them great I guess. But I also think you should have some sort of fat/cheese thingie on it so it doesn't dry out in the oven. That's why I feel hindered by not liking cheese.

I like a bit of parmesean/romano, bread crumbs, and white wine. Then you can add crab, shrimp, bacon.....whatever you like. Not too cheesey that way!
e.z said:
From what I know that's the only one that's allowed to be called Mozarella? =) Btw, why should it be water buffalo, how is the taste different? I have eaten Mozarella, but I'm no expert so I'm curious.

In Germany you also can buy cow milk mozzarella. The taste of buffallo mozzarella is a bit more intense.
paulky_2000 said:
I like a bit of parmesean/romano, bread crumbs, and white wine. Then you can add crab, shrimp, bacon.....whatever you like. Not too cheesey that way!

You say that like being too cheesy is a bad thing. ??? I'm sorry, but for me the more bacon, the more cheese, the better!!!
JayT said:
You say that like being too cheesy is a bad thing. ??? I'm sorry, but for me the more bacon, the more cheese, the better!!!

Oh noooooooo!!!! But for someone that doesn't care for cheese...it's be perfect!

Hell, I LOVE cheese!!!
I cannot have cheese- and there are a variety of things you could stuff in a pepper. I am thinking a pilau (or however you spell it) might be good, or a recipe that calls for ground meat filling- I had friends who stuffed bell peppers with a meat mixture with no cheese- surely something similar coudl be put in a popper!
Celeste said:
I cannot have cheese- and there are a variety of things you could stuff in a pepper. I am thinking a pilau (or however you spell it) might be good, or a recipe that calls for ground meat filling- I had friends who stuffed bell peppers with a meat mixture with no cheese- surely something similar coudl be put in a popper!

Celeste, I commonly stuff pepper with a ground meat mixture and sometimes even add rice to it. After stuffing the peppers I have sometimes just covered them with a tomato sauce and baked or wrap them in bacon and bake. Both are very delicious. I have several bags of stuffed peppers in the freezer that is just a meat mixture, beef and pork along with some spices to flare them up.
Pepperfreak said:
Celeste, I commonly stuff pepper with a ground meat mixture and sometimes even add rice to it. After stuffing the peppers I have sometimes just covered them with a tomato sauce and baked or wrap them in bacon and bake. Both are very delicious. I have several bags of stuffed peppers in the freezer that is just a meat mixture, beef and pork along with some spices to flare them up.

I've did this plenty of times but was using bell's & had cheese in them, stuffed peppers.
though I cant see any reason why not doing this for hotter chiles.

celeste - whats pilau ?
just be creative for the ingredients for poppers, I bet it could be an endless of choices & you'll open our minds to other ingredients for poppers w/o using cheese.
I cant wait to see what you come up with.
Here we go! I made these this weekend after being super inspired by this thread ;) Found some big habaneros and jalapeños to fill up with goodies.

Yum yummy!

The habaneros made us sweat since we are not as hard core as you guys. I used moose meat and portabello for filling and mozarella on top. See more here.

* 4 jalapeños
* 2 habaneros
* Mozzarella

* 100g minced meat of moose
* 1 small portabello
* 1 tomato
* 1 clove of garlic
* 1 tbsp tomato puré
* 1 tbsp fresh thyme
e.z said:
What do you mean? =)
Just that a popper is a whole pepper to me, the halves are popper halves. Still a win bro!
texas blues said:
Excellent offering e.z.! Thus sayeth The Popper Overlord. Amen.
:D woohoo thanks!

thehotpepper.com said:
Just that a popper is a whole pepper to me, the halves are popper halves. Still a win bro!
I see, as I thought. Might try "whole" poppers another day just to feel more complete ;) The popper overlord made his in halves though... :P