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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

To borrow a phrase from The TB, you guys are gettin' down brown with the poppers. Bacon is cooked perfectly. Looking forward to yours Paulie.
Been too long up in here with no poppers.

I got leftover pinto beans, Cacique Jalapeno Queso Fresco, and some sun dried toms to use up.

I reckon I'll be using the chile grill in the oven for these baby's.

But no bacon.

Don't hate.
As mentioned earlier, I got down brown last night in The Blues Kitchen with some poppers.

The local Try-N-Save had jalapenos for .88 cents a pound. Can't beat that and its been too long not posting my brand of mayhem here.

I also ordered up and received a new 'peno corer and had to try it out. This 'thang actually works!!

Dig it here...


Now down to 'bidness.

I really like to be liking Cacique cheeses. This one melts and tastes great.


Got the Queeze goin' with leftover homemade pinto's, shallot, and homemade sun dried toms marinated with olive oil, garlic, and japone chiles. I zipped that all up and then tossed in some cheese and gave that a good whack.


mrs. blues bought this chile grill for me as a gift. It'd be a sin not to use it.


Into The Blues Oven for 45 minutes @350 and out.

Sure some fell over. Teddy Bear don't care.


These were dadgum guud!! Even better dipped in ranch!!

What? You don't like ranch dressing?

Well, you ain't from Texas.


The combo of bean, cheese, and sun dried tomato is legit y'all.

Know how I know?

Just got back from a walk with missylou and I marked territory by farting all over the neighborhood!
Those veggie poppers look sooooooo tasty!!!!!!!

But careful, you're teetering awfully close to hippy food there TB!

Naw, just teasin' ya! That ranch pulled you right back to Righteous!!!!! WHOOT!!!!!!! :dance:
Thank you kindly CJ.

I could have cooked them a little less so they had more eye appeal but wouldn't have been as good.

The choice of scheeze was also a factor.

Most scheeze weighs in anywhere from 12% to 20% cholesterol wise.

This stuff is only around 10% and does have an aroma and pungency much like goat cheese which is one of my favorite cheeses.

Cacique also makes a type that comes in around 7% but I can't member the name of it.

These poppers I would definitely agree absolutely venture into the realm of hippydom.

I could have chosen chorizo or some other form of meat to stuff with but I'm health minded these days and getting pickier about where I choose to get my cholesterol from.

I love bacon, pork, and beef but I love cheese more.
I'd shrivel up and die without cheese.
I tried giving it up once - it wasn't pretty.

I have some Cotija just dying to be shredded over some salmon patties I thawed yesterday! (how does cotija rate cholesterol wise?)
On slaw. With green onions.
On a corn tort.

Can't wait for lunch!!!!! :rofl:
Everythang seems betta w/ bacon! :doh:

But when someone creates something extraordinary w/out (gasp!) bacon....

.....I just gotta RECOGNIZE!!!!!!!!!

That's almost supa-human! ;)
Bacon or no bacon. A good thing is a good thing. Be it "hippy" food or not, your body thanks you.

Beans in poppers. Nice touch! Having a vegetarian girlfriend, I need to get all the meatless Ideas I can find, and this one me likes.
And applied. Follow through.

So with the long weekend, grillin and drinking was never gonna not happen.

Sunday consisted of quite a few of both. First grillin my first bacon poppers ever. I didnt shoot the entire process, but I got the end result of yesterdays bacon wrapped poppers, and half of them non-wrapped poppers due to my girlfriend being a vegetarian. So I do what I got to do.

But these here are bacon'd

Goodness soo good was my first grilt poppers.

Well, I realized not only did the bacon taste delcious with the pepper, and cheese filling, but it helped keep them things in tact, in hold on to its gooey goodness.

At the same time, the ones with out being wrapped in bacon, barely made it off the grill in one piece.

I had some cheese filling mixture leftover, so I needed more poppers and a vegetarian crack at holding them together on the grill.

Zuccini, thinly sliced, wrapped around the cheese stuff'd pepper, held with a tooth pick. Yep. This'll do jus' fine.

The two little weird zucchini roll things, are just a couple slices of zuke wrapped around a bloop of cheese. Ran out of peppers!

Anyway, the grill they go. Also sided with some BBQ sauce slathered zuke sticks.


Those zukes worked just fine as a way to keep that precious cheezy goodness in place. Also as it chared, it adds a nice crispy, grilled flavor to the thing.

Got damn it was good!
HTH that's some superior innovative thinking at work with the zuke wrapped poppers.

These days I'd reach for one of those before the baconz.

And I'd dip them in guess what?


That last pic is money!
Yep that's some cheesy splooge there HTH. Still trying to wrap my head around trading bacon for cucumbers, but they look good. TB, I am watching you Norton...
Damn, ranch! That never even crossed my mind. Next time...

You would be surprised JT, the BBQ zuke wrapped poppers rocked. Even compared to that with bacon. Cookin them in BBQ sauce really added some awesome flavor. You will just have to try it some day and see.
Gots some poppers for yalls. Made these with the leftovers from the pizza TD.

Loaded Tater Poppers

Hot Bananas

Filled with taters

Topped with Swiss

The Finale, Topped with cheese sauce, bacon, scallions, and sour cream


And my 2 year old divouring them!!

Nice ones Dawg! Nobody's hit this thread in a bit...so I figured I'd post some up!
I have been in Cali long enough to get accustomed to some Sushi. I actually like the stuff, but it ain't home food. So...

First off I picked up this little baby in Vegas last weekend...being a displaced Texan it just spoke to me...


Here we have some leftover beans and rice from last night's dinner, some New Year Ham, Mexi-blend cheese, some cream cheese and of course some bacon along side some of the biggest baddest Jals yet!


Cut the tops off a few...


..but found this coring tool a better tool for the job.


Mixed up two batches of stuffing, one cream/mexi-mix cheeses and the other a combo of cream/mexi cheeses, beans and rice. Soft fried the bacon and cut the ham into long thick slices...


...made four different combos, Bacon/bean&cheese, Bacon/cream cheese, ham/bean&cheese and ham/cream cheese. Pushed the meat down in there and used a pastry gun to get the goodness down inside...


then I loaded up the Dillo! I fell two short of filling it up, so I used two fresh picked Jamaican Hot Yellows to round it out.


Then I sliced em up...


Texas-style Sushi-Poppers!!! These things are hit!

Pop 'em up and post 'em folks!!!