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food Mmmmmm...poppers!

What do you have as a dipping sauce? Throw in some Maki rolls and you'll have a complete meal.
I threw another layer of cheese on top and put them back in the oven to tame them a bit for the fam, and offered them up with some ranch, sour cream and guacamole on the side....Thanks TB and Juju!
Some poppers before pizza this arvo


Poppers? I got poppers! Love those things! Halved, filled with cream cheese, topped with fresh cajun sausage, then wrapped with thick cut bacon. And those little drumettes have scovie powder all over them!


Ya just can't beat great head.....

Thanks! We enjoy it.... I just wish A) we owned it, and B) we had some land. That's the extent of our outdoor space
Poppers are my favourite, could eat them every meal, thinking some prawn stuffed poppers later this week.

Looking good Phil
Dude you nailed those poppers, the bacon is just right, not crispy, not soft, it's that chewy texture that is spot on. And the sausage in there, nice.

Is that gator sausage? Yum

Nice drumettes, but where are the wingettes? I like that side better. :)

I think you should post here next. ;)
Boss man (or should I call you Pookie?.... nah.... fck that) I don't know how you get by in New York City (get a rope!)..... you seem to be a southern boy at heart! All I know is that when the tihs hits the fan and the dollar collapses, y'all need to make your way down here away from the city. We'll take care of ya!

I like the drumettes. My Allie likes the wingettes. Whichever part you choose, marinade them in some good hot sauce for a couple of hours before you grill them. Overnight is best, if you're one who thinks a day ahead of time (not like me). And holy hell!!! There's a wing forum here! Go figure!!!!!!! I'm all over it! This place never ceases to amaze me.... I was thinking today "Iwonder if there's a BBQ forum similar to The Hot Pepper"...... hmmmm.... and then I realized, hell... the Hot Pepper's got ALL of that!!!

This site ROCKS!! And the people here rock!!!!

And yep. That's gator/pork sausage. Awesome stuff with some grey poopoo dijon mustard.

Scovie..... Dude, I LOVED that mountainous background in your steak picture..... but y'all need to get yer arses down here for some southern hospitality!
I loves me some 'gator.....
Only had it a few times, but I've sighed with joy each time. Can't quite explain why....

Poppers, wangs, ribs....That's a finner food festeeval right there!!!!!!

Finner Food = Good Times + Fun! :)