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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
I have been craving some poppers for a while. And a fresh squeezed Orange Crush. The poppers are stuffed with aged extra sharp cheddar, wrapped in bacon, and sprinkled with Sicman's Sic Mix powder blend then grilled.


Well that is just great.

Looks like this weekend I will have to finish what you began >=)

Thanks for the motivation to make poppers!

Actually, 90% of my meals are based on whatever food on here tickles my fancy
I had a ton of leftover Lacquered County Style Pork Ribs With Spicy Ginger
and decided to make my first poppers of the year.


I added ginger, garlic, Sriracha and chipotle to the cream cheese.

My task was made difficult as I had to smell the delicious aroma of some
pork butt cooking atop ham hocks.


Some were topped with bacon, others with Muenster cheese.



All I had was thick cut bacon and it didn't get crispy. Oh well.

Daaamn. Awesome poppers. I want that so bad!

I DID end up making poppers yesterday on the grill... Wrapped in not bacon, but thinly sliced zucchini to wrap it.

No pics though. I was too drunk, sun burned, exhausted, dehyrdated mess to take pics.
Yeah WHATEVA... It's not a bad alternative.

I forgot the pics from yesterday, but as I said I have some leftovers.

I came home from work and heated some of them up in the oven.

The red one is a big ass habanero of some sort. Some how I had the misconception that if the hab was deseeded, remove membrane, and grilled that it would be less hot. I just ate half, and I was so wrong. Holy shit. I don't understand how people eat these whole. Let alone the much much hotter ones :onfire: