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Hey ya'll once again from the big dry ditch in Las Vegas. I was going to grill today but ahhh...a little too hot once again. Maybe tomorrow will be more appropos. My gal had bought some very nice ground beef to make some sliders but she changed her mind as usual and opted instead for spinach/cheese ravioli with garlic cream sauce instead. Of course I was enlisted to do the cooking. So what to do with the ground beef? I have peppers. I have cheese. Duh..como se dice en espanol....poppers!!
Ground beef, japs, 4 cheese Mexi mix, shallots, Lawry's and fresh ground pepper. Here tis. Notice the melon ball tool I use to deseed. Works perfect.

The mix.



Have a great holiday ya'll....and cheers!!! Texas Bluesman
thirdcoasttx said:
I have been previously instructed that her meals are off limits.
When I was a fishing guide in Alaska that was seasonal, nobody would hire me as they reckoned I'd go back to that and they didn't want to invest in me.
I learned to lie like hell.
Post her foo as your own.
Who's gonna' know?
Dang MM.
Love the nice light browning on the scheeze.
It looks though like the chile itself though didn't get cooked enough .
I've had that problem before many times.
Tried differnt 'thangs to solve it and came up with 2 ways.
Precook the 'peno's a little before hand or slowdown and lower the cook temp.
Both work.
Another way also is hand mold the cheese mix into shape of the 'peno and roughly the same size and stickem' in the freezer for an hour or so.
The cheese cooks slower and allows the 'peno to catch up.
I'd still Chairman Mao the hell out those.

Tom yum paste
Green onion
Prik kee nu
Prik kee nu powder
Ginger powder
Limon grass
Couple big peppers to stuff

Small veg & spice with chopped up crab and tom yum paste into sauce pan with water....boil & let sit.
Add Crutons and 1/2 the cheese. Form stuffing. Stuff big pepper. Cover with rest of cheese. 400f 30 min untill brown and bubbly.
When I use mine,shaped like a pepper, I try to fill every hole. Its a little tough with some of the bigger jalapenos. I always make a huge mess. That's how I maintain my girth. LOL
This thread looks like it could use a bump! I made some poppers today that knocked my socks off!!! For the stuffing I put some bacon in the ci, chopped it up, mixed it in heb's cinnamon honey pecan cream cheese and stuffed that shit in a couple jalapeños, a fatalii, and a fresno. Now for heat/flavor ratio, fatalii couldn't be beat. For flavor - heat, the stuffed fresno goes hard in the paint like Kobe, its throwed in the game like a baseball. Wish I would've done more than one but I scarffed all of these bad boys.


Wow! Those look great! 
I'm trying to wrap my head around the flavor combination!!
Im imagining sweet, but bacony

Yeah I wanted something different! This was it, I saw that cream cheese and realized it was destined to be stuffed in peppers and wrapped in pig fat. The fresno had almost zero heat but the combo of those flavors was orgasmic.
The cinnamon pecan cream cheese threw me a bit at first too. But I do bet that the fatalii's flavor worked well with it.
And after all, it's wrapped in bacon!!
I could go for some poppers right now.
And I reckon the sweet/hot/bacon combo would work like a mother!
Sweet, savory, and some heat.
3C I sez you got it goin' on hot blue & righteous with them poppers.