rainbowberry said:I'll be the Princess and Omri could be the Prince, hey don't forget Sickmont, maybe he could be the Queen?
rainbowberry said:I just had to google 'boodle' (wow it rhymes). Seeing you as my Mum doesn't quite seem right though.
Hehehehe, nice spin on the original.Brokensea said:Power corrupts. Absolute power is kinda neat.
imaguitargod said:A pie by any other name would still be round.
TIS AN ABOMINATION!!!! DISTROY IT!!!!!!!!!chilliman64 said:obviously you have not heard of Big Ben pies young man, their jingle goes something like:
Big Ben's the big square pie you eat when you feel like a Big Ben pie
Big Ben's a big square pie to eat, big on pastry big on meat
The others just don't satisfy when you feel like a Big Ben pie
it's a square pie mate
thehotpepper.com said:Chill dudes this thread is old!
Thanks Noshownate.