Monsanto makes highly hybridized seeds available to home gardeners

regarding the issue discussed some time back... regarding patenting cultivars.
feel free to listen to the whole thing btw.
As I understand it, the majority of GMO crop was created to resist herbicides.  As a result, labor costs could be dramatically lowered.  Thing is, super weed has adapted which renders the herbicides less useful season after season.  As a result, much crop production is returning to more labor intense methods and less reliance on herbicides.
there are a variety of ways to adress resistant weeds few of which require removing them by hand. you can read about them if you wish, but it mostly comes down to timing and alternate herbicide applications like 2,4-d, etc.
herbacide resistant weeds has basically 0 to do with the increase in organic cultivation.  weeds have been adapting to agricultural practices for as long as agriculture has been around.
there are many documented examples of this...but the most memorable is weeds evolving to grow shorter and flower faster in response to being mowed over and over for decades...

I guess I can see how when I said more traditional farming you could think of an Amish family in the fields with hoes.  I will be more clear.

Roundup Method - More money on herbicide, more money on seed stock, less money on machines, less money on labor.

More Traditional Methods - More money on machines, More money on Labor, less money on seed less money on herbicide.

With more traditional methods, you till the living crap out your land to get the weeds down, let them bake in the sun for a bit, till the crap again, let them bake in the sun some more, till again.  Repeat as necessary and your field is ready.  With round up ready crops, the idea is much, much, much less tilling.  Less tilling means less labor and less machine hours.

There is a tipping point between the two.  At that point, the other method makes more money.  As super weed shows its ugly face more and more, that tipping point is moving.

On Organic produce I agree.  The main driving force behind the increase in organic food production is demand.  Just like Roundup Ready style farming vs. more traditional methods, it is all dollars and cents.  Its how Americans really vote.  We buy stuff.
When I was a kid, the baby sitter did this.  She put red food coloring in water, watered white flowered plants, got red flowers.  I dont remember the flower but it seems so very right there.  No clue why beer would do the same.
ajdrew said:
When I was a kid, the baby sitter did this.  She put red food coloring in water, watered white flowered plants, got red flowers.  I dont remember the flower but it seems so very right there.  No clue why beer would do the same.
red food color -> celery for me ...
raisins -> sprite/7-up, too ...
ignorance is derp.

when you click on that video i linked, does it skip to the 50 minute mark?
it was supposed to... idk if i linked it correctly.
skip to 50 minutes. thats the part i wanted you folks to hear from... from a real agronomist/biologist
able eye said:
Corporations and government have a long and storied history of lying to everybody.
Defending them is pretty derp.
     They spend billions buying lawyers and politicians to defend themselves. Suspicion is my default for both.
Hybrid Mode 01 said:
     They spend billions buying lawyers and politicians to defend themselves. Suspicion is my default for both.
the entire marketing  buget for gta 5 was only a quarter of a billion.
It's great to see that new scientific results are showing that they use highly carsonogenic compounds in their roundup sprays .. Peppers & crops may be resistant to them but we're not

*** Edit : not that it was unexpected, it's just been proven through long term studies..

Stick with Chinese space seeds... They seem to be better without the side effects lol
Seeds taken into out of space on satellites and exposed to zero gravity, Gama radiation and whatever else the cosmos throws at them...  They return to earth and grow them out with varying results from Larger plants, larger yields, bigger fruits etc etc.. Some of the changes are quiet remarkable..
Maybe they will gain some stronger resistances to diseases etc too.. =D
Look it up.. Chinese Space Seed.