OK...that's cool too Chris...and thank you for that comment....I was kinda "baiting you"...sorry... 

AJ, my original Trinidad Scorpion 'Morouga Blend' seeds were NOT from Sara in Trinidad. I did not make the name up. They were labeled exactly this from an old trading friend I had ib Tobago back in 2006. This was the name specifically provided and they had ties / connections somehow to CARDI and a prominent University in Trinidad. I just wanted to clarify the background of this pepper. It had an extremely uniform pod shape when first grown. I still have the original pack of seeds I believe.
+1 . When financial gain is brought into the equation, provenance is especially critical so that the originator is rightly credited.In the end......what difference does it really make?
We all grow peppers, and seem to enjoy it. For most of us, there is no financial gain for us. For those in the business, it is monetary based squabble.
Have at it guys. Does make for a lively thread though.
Not the way I read itBhutman, according to Jim the scorpions used were Butch T, even though they weren't labeled as such. I would be willing to throw down a little on some DNA testing.