heat moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

OK...that's cool too Chris...and thank you for that comment....I was kinda "baiting you"...sorry... :)
No problem. :) Happy to clarify it. What I thought was funny was someone on the Facebook Chileheads forum insisted the pods I pictured there weren't the correct ones. lol. They were the originals!! I'm not saying other traits don't show generation to generation of course. I just thought that was kind of ironic. I'm not too involved in that group so I don't read it all though.

All I know is they are both incredibly hot and more than I can handle!!

Guys I'm pretty new to the superhot growing but addicted all the same :) Not sure if this question has been answered on this thread, but what is the upper physical limit imposed by pepper chemistry on heat (on the Scoville scale)? Will we see 2.5 million SHU peppers or alternatively where is the theoretical ceiling, approximately?


AJ, my original Trinidad Scorpion 'Morouga Blend' seeds were NOT from Sara in Trinidad. I did not make the name up. They were labeled exactly this from an old trading friend I had ib Tobago back in 2006. This was the name specifically provided and they had ties / connections somehow to CARDI and a prominent University in Trinidad. I just wanted to clarify the background of this pepper. It had an extremely uniform pod shape when first grown. I still have the original pack of seeds I believe.


So the case isn't closed then since you didn't get the TSMB seeds from Sara who did give the 7 Pot BS seeds to Cappy. This means the TSMB and 7 Pot BS may not be the same pepper correct?

I wonder what you could get for that package of orignal seeds at an auction? New 4x4 sounds about right.

Thanks for the info Chris.
Patrick, I honestly don't know if the Brain Strain and TSMB are the same. They are extremely close in many ways. I have all the original seed packets Sara sent me too with the 7 Pot and Trinidad Scorpion. To me, the Trinidad Scorpion strain resembled the now termed Brain Strain. At least the pods I grew from that plant did. :) I remember thinking they were different / odd because all I knew was the Trinidad Scorpion BT strain at the time. Little did we know 5 years later there would be 150 strains of every super hot in existence. lol.

Yep, I've got those original packets under lock and key in an armored safe deposit box. Kidding.

What we should ALL be most thankful for was Sara and this other person's willingness to share this stuff. Until this point, it was nearly impossible to get any of it. The 7 Pot Jonah was a myth until 2004 at least in the U.S. Only two growers I knew had it. I will not forget she jumped on this forum and amazingly was kind enough to send me a bunch of awesome seeds without even knowing me. I didn't blink when she said she could really use some hot peppers for cooking last Fall. I sent 10 lbs her way in a heartbeat. It's the least I could do. Those are the things I remember - not what's the hottest pepper by 1,000 SHU.

See pics below. These varieties toss off all kinds of variants. The TS Morouga pod in picture #3 looks almost identical to the 7 Pot Brain Strain pods I grew in 2011.










I'm not sure how many remember these, but these were the original pictures of the Trinidad Scorpion SR and 7 Pot SR Sara sent when she first got here:

7 Pot SR

Trinidad Scorpion SR

If not the 7 Pot Brain Strain - The Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend is without a doubt the closest match if not it.

Thanks for posting the pics Chris. That post really shows how similar all these strains are (at least in appearance). If you said all of those pods pictured above came off the very same plant throughout a season, I would believe you without thinking twice about it. I'm not suggesting that they are all the same thing, I'm just saying I've had more pod variation than that on some 7 pot and scorpion plants. Often times early season pods look a bit different than late season pods, etc.
@cmpman1974 & muskymojo
So who's gonna pay for the DNA testing? lol

I was kinda miffed to when it didn't specify if the Trinidad scorpion that was tested was the Butch T or not. Kinda silly not to test the previous world record holder to the same standards as the new peppers tested.

I also agree that the Brain Strain should have been tested as well
Chris your penchant for taking wonderfully detailed pics is a godsend.

If these had been in my garden at the same time I would swear I mixed up a label. I would be willing to kick in a few bucks for DNA testing, anyone else? Somebody around here has to know a place that would do the work.

Thanks for the info Chris.
Bhutman, according to Jim the scorpions used were Butch T, even though they weren't labeled as such. I would be willing to throw down a little on some DNA testing.
In the end......what difference does it really make?

We all grow peppers, and seem to enjoy it. For most of us, there is no financial gain for us. For those in the business, it is monetary based squabble.

Have at it guys. Does make for a lively thread though.
+1 . When financial gain is brought into the equation, provenance is especially critical so that the originator is rightly credited.

Concerning the study, as others have said, I'd need to see if the methodology & results garner approval from the scientific community.

As to the thread, I agree that the thread has been quite instructive as well.
Bhutman, according to Jim the scorpions used were Butch T, even though they weren't labeled as such. I would be willing to throw down a little on some DNA testing.
Not the way I read it

" I won't argue with any of you but I grew out Butch T from Neal and Judy along side Ronnies Scorpions he got from Sarah and had thousands of plants and could not see a difference. So all seeds I sent to institute that represented Scorpion were just labeled Trinidad Scorpion" :(
FYI, no Scorpions I ever got from Sara resembled the Butch T strain. In fact, no one from that region ever sent me seeds that produced the neat look they have. I'm NOT saying AJ or others didn't get seed that did produce them, just I didn't. I still have a lot of TS BT seed from 2006. I think over the years, they have lost some of their original look when I see others' pictures. Probably isolation issues. The originals with the tails IMO were one-of-a-kind.




Back from August 22, 2006!


Last one: October 2006:

Chris: I'd trade my left nut to get my hands on some of those original CARDI scorps haha! I wonder if those were the original landrace scorps and the ones we see today with the identifiable tail protrusion are more recent crosses or something. I'd love to see them all DNA tested and popped on a dendrogram with the Bhut, I'd say the CARDI scorps provide the most convincing pod shape to claim that they might have been the ancestor that made the Bhut. Fun to think about.
I am in my 5th year growing the scorpions...2008 was the first year..as I said, I have done like most and saved seeds from pods that looked the way I wanted them to...none of them have pimpled skin to amount to anything....

here is a shot of my pods from 2008 that I kept for seedstock for 2009...


2009 scorpions that were my 2010 seedstock..


Part of my 2010 harvest that was 2011 seedstock...


2011 seedstock for 2012...
