heat moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

I think Mr. Duffy and the CPI are doing a fine job, and I hope they continue testing superhots. Maybe from some other seed sources as well. That would be very interesting.
I don't see why everyone is being so critical. I mean, it's not like they renamed the pepper, and are now trying to eclusively sell seeds for it or something. They have simply tested strains that many of us grow, and the results are what they are. Do Douglahs taste hotter to me? Yes, they do, but I believe the testing they have done is accurate and honest.
Definitely a lot better than previous tests but there is still a lot of room for improvement which is why we continue to discuss this. Some of us have been following this for many, many years and we still have our own wish-list of pepper types, procedures and protocols which would improve the study.
I personally wouldn't expect anyone to hit the 2 mil SHU mark growing these. First of all look at the highs and lows with the TSMB. How many samples tested over 2 mil, and how many were in the 500K range? I think this is the highest difference from highs to lows that I've ever seen in SHU testing(chiles) and would expect most samples to fall somewhere in between. I guess its possible to hit 2 mil, just very unlikely.
Now why are test results this year a lot different than last years tests. With most of the same plants growing, I would expect results to be very similar. Maybe a different climate?
I agree that there is a lot about the testing that is unknown to us and that we have many questions/comments, but for all of us, including myself, all we are doing is speculating at this point and the reported data IS what it is...

I think what Potawie is wanting is an answer to the question that asks...how did you get your average....was it a straight average or weighted average...a weighted average would be more likely what we would see in our own growing....(I would personally like to see the raw data of every one of the HPLCs that were performed)

By the way, if you don't grow in the same environment as in NM, your results will vary...some higher, some lower...that is putting genetics aside....

I hope they publish the complete study but doubtfully they will because of the size and length...no telling how many "ministudies" were performed...

And, if they don't publish the whole study, I would be interested in buying a copy...not just the synopsis...

I am not a "doubting thomas" and take the reported data as is....to me it is a first look at legitimate data performed by multiple labs performing multiple tests that detailed a study of superhot peppers...period...whether I believe the data or not is a moot point because like I said, the data is what it is....
All due respect for Chris and the CPI but what about the possibility of a single source of seed and his inability to tell the difference between a TSMB and a 7 Pod Brain Strain. It is documented that Jim grew both and if he mixed the seeds that would explain the wide range in test results, no? I think Chris or anybody who has grown out both types can tell you there is a huge heat difference between the two types and are distinctly different varieties. It is well known Jim has a vendetta against with me and the 7 Pod BS and I feel that he has pulled a fast one over on the pepper community. Duffy is being deceitful and found a willing partner in the CPI. He needs to come clean for the sake of all Trinidad landrace varieties and the CARDI, the CPI that who trusted him in their research. Not good.
Who shot John?...

This is what I think and probably will be my last post on this thread...I am not attacking anyone but I searched THP over the past several years and the following is what I came up with...

Cappy, you said you got your seeds from Sara?...your first grow was 08' right?.....your complete grow list of Feb 2009 doesn't list the "Brain Strain"...it does however list 7 Pod as you like to call it :) ....and the first time I see you using Brain Strain is in June 09 when you said..."I counted 20+ nice brain strain pods on the mother plant today." in this thread post 185....


Chris coined the name Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend in this thread in June 08....


both of you got your seeds from the same source...

IMO the difference is Chris' had a tail and the Brain Strain didn't...thus TSMB and 7 Pot Brain Strain....

again, I am not trying to piss anyone off but that's the way things have gone on this forum...
Hahaha Yes Derek,
We can also supply the yellow version:


Am I seeing right that you tie the branches to the upright stake in the center?????
Luigi, the picture is awesome!!!

I questioned Jim Duffy as to whether I could reproduce the heat by growing the morouga in my garden in lower southwest Minnesota, given that we all know peppers vary from plant to plant and pod to pod even on the same plant. Basically the answer hem hawed around the subject that it depended on what I was growing for and the conditions, etc, etc, etc..sorry not to rain on anyone's parade BUT a pepper that produced that level of heat should be consistently HOT without manipulation. If I plant and grow a brain strain I know what I get, if I plant a bhut jolokia I know what I get...yadda yadda yadda. So I remain a skeptic! IMO if I can't reproduce the same results or close to the same results in my garden what is all the hoopla about??

You can't ever guaruntee that someone can reproduce a certain SHU in any given climate, it doesn't work that way. No one can guaruntee that your bhut jolokias will reach 1 million SHUs either, there are too many factors. That's like asking a seed vendor to guaruntee that your plants will reach 4 feet and produce a certain number of pods. The Moruga imo is most definitely hotter than bhut jolokia, douglah, and 7 pod from my experiences. They seem at least as hot as Butch Ts too but then again I don't really go around taking big bites out of either. You seem to think that the Moruga requires some special manipulation to achieve extreme heat that other superhots don't, and that's not the case. It's impossible to say for sure which superhot is the hottest because of limited data but the Moruga is definitely one of the hottest, even among superhots.
Am I seeing right that you tie the branches to the upright stake in the center?????

Yes you are seeing right, each plant has a stake, as the plant grows, the branches are tied to the stake..

In this way the plant grows more orderly, and the branches do not break when there is windy.
Excuse me but I think that in this topic. talk about this is OT.
i'd like to encourage Luigi to please start another thread dedicated to your methods... those are two of the most impressive plants i have ever seen and the pictures cause many questions...

Agreed. I think most of us would absolutely love it and be thrilled to learn from Luigi.
Who shot John?...

This is what I think and probably will be my last post on this thread...I am not attacking anyone but I searched THP over the past several years and the following is what I came up with...

Cappy, you said you got your seeds from Sara?...your first grow was 08' right?.....your complete grow list of Feb 2009 doesn't list the "Brain Strain"...it does however list 7 Pod as you like to call it :) ....and the first time I see you using Brain Strain is in June 09 when you said..."I counted 20+ nice brain strain pods on the mother plant today." in this thread post 185....


Chris coined the name Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend in this thread in June 08....


both of you got your seeds from the same source...

IMO the difference is Chris' had a tail and the Brain Strain didn't...thus TSMB and 7 Pot Brain Strain....

again, I am not trying to piss anyone off but that's the way things have gone on this forum...

AJ being from Texas shouldn't it be "Who shot JR?"

I guess this puts and end to the egg and the chicken debate then. Thanks for the research sir.
I move to strike "world's hottest chile pepper" as a meaningful phrase from the language. The variability and overlap in the results between the different peppers tested in this experiment is a decent demonstration of the pointlessness of seeking the "hottest" and it is actually ironic that the phrase was used in the title of the research. Since it was stated that the Butch T was mixed in with "regular" Scorpions for this experiment, it isn't too much of a leap to assume the Morougas and the Brain Strains were also mixed together.

Personally, I find the highest "low" the most interesting - with the Douglah/"Chocolate 7-pot" making a strong showing here. And if one were to insist on naming a "world's hottest" lol, then the highest low is a more reliable criteria - but that's a judgement call.

If the study is merely to run an HPLC test on peppers known to be very hot, what's the novelty in this? I'd be much more interested in identifying the genetic or environmental mechanisms that produce these differences and these are bound to be complex.

Perhaps what this experiment shows us is that the days of "there can be only one" should now be behind us.
In the end......what difference does it really make?

We all grow peppers, and seem to enjoy it. For most of us, there is no financial gain for us. For those in the business, it is monetary based squabble.

Have at it guys. Does make for a lively thread though.
so why can not anyone see these facemelting records as a group VICTORY

we at this and other message boards have in some small way contributed to this success

congratulations to the whole lot of us all
Luigi-AMAZING plants. but this whole Worlds hottest is an effing pissing contest, we should all go back to just naming the species the color and the range of heat. until a new species and been grown and isolated for 10 years then no new names can come of it. its turning in to the Maryjuana field. like " yo man i got the triple train wreck double dipped crack" like who cares when its all said and done, its a 7pod red with pimply skin and hOT. or its a trinidad scorpion red and HOT! sometimes hobbies just turn into politics. i love you all and with out you i would not be or have the plants i have now quit effing arguing hug and :high:
In the end......what difference does it really make?

We all grow peppers, and seem to enjoy it. For most of us, there is no financial gain for us. For those in the business, it is monetary based squabble.

Have at it guys. Does make for a lively thread though.
so why can not anyone see these facemelting records as a group VICTORY

we at this and other message boards have in some small way contributed to this success

congratulations to the whole lot of us all

AJ, my original Trinidad Scorpion 'Morouga Blend' seeds were NOT from Sara in Trinidad. I did not make the name up. They were labeled exactly this from an old trading friend I had ib Tobago back in 2006. This was the name specifically provided and they had ties / connections somehow to CARDI and a prominent University in Trinidad. I just wanted to clarify the background of this pepper. It had an extremely uniform pod shape when first grown. I still have the original pack of seeds I believe.


Who shot John?...

This is what I think and probably will be my last post on this thread...I am not attacking anyone but I searched THP over the past several years and the following is what I came up with...

Cappy, you said you got your seeds from Sara?...your first grow was 08' right?.....your complete grow list of Feb 2009 doesn't list the "Brain Strain"...it does however list 7 Pod as you like to call it :) ....and the first time I see you using Brain Strain is in June 09 when you said..."I counted 20+ nice brain strain pods on the mother plant today." in this thread post 185....


Chris coined the name Trinidad Scorpion Moruga Blend in this thread in June 08....


both of you got your seeds from the same source...

IMO the difference is Chris' had a tail and the Brain Strain didn't...thus TSMB and 7 Pot Brain Strain....

again, I am not trying to piss anyone off but that's the way things have gone on this forum...