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scovilles moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

the only bad thing I have heard about bad tasting superhots was the original Butch T....being very nasty tasting and extremely hot...

all of the superhots I have grown have had that typical extreme citrusy/fruity taste and smell divine...

and when AB said the yellow 7 Pot was nasty, that blew me away...that is one of the more tasty 7s I have tasted...

not gonna argue 'cause everyone's palate is different...

I'm going to give it another shot this year, because most seem to like it. Mine had a strong chemical taste to them. I put one in a pint of salsa and I couldn't even eat it. Mine all had the black seed thing going on though, so maybe they had some kind of fungal disease that influenced the flavor or something. I'm not big on a lot of yellow chinenses though, fatalii and yellow Scotch bonnets being exceptions. I'm more a fan of red and chocolate. The flavor of yellow chinenses seems to overpower dishes imo, they're too aromatic or something.
I <3 Scoth Bonnets - great flavor. Always considered them a notch below superhots though...maybe I'm mistaken?

Is there a definitive list of "superhot" peppers?

They're quite a few notches below superhots, Scotch bonnets are usually around 200k, a little less than habaneros. Fataliis have a very similar flavor, at least in my opinion, but with much more heat. There's no definitive list of superhots because there's no agreement on what a superhot is. There was a thread on here a while back and there was major disagreement even among THPers.

But I think everyone will agree that all the uncrossed red and brown varieties of 7 Pod, bhut/naga, and Trinidad scorpion are superhots. Some include the yellow varieties, some include fataliis, some even include some or all habaneros. Depends on who you talk to.

I go with the first group...the red and brown 7 Pod, bhut/naga, and scorpions. My list would look something like...

Butch T
Trinidad scorpion
7 Pod
7 Pod Jonah
7 Pod Douglah
7 Pod Brain Strain
Bhut jolokia
Bih jolokia
Naga Morich
Chocolate bhut jolokia

And there are a lot of other strains like 7 Pod Primo that differ only slightly from these so I'm not going to try to list them all.
hey, AB, do you mind if I make that superhot list more compact?

Bhut/Bih Jolokia (India), Naga Morich (India), Dorset Naga (and Dorset Naga is just a Naga Morich that was grown out in England)....many strains of these now exist with the different colors and all, but from what I am familiar with, all were red in color when ripe...

Trinidad Scorpion and 7 Pot and all the strains of them running around....colors, pod textures, tails or not...

If others exist, I sure would like to know about them...I suppose what I am getting at is there are two regions in the world that produce these killer heat pods and seems like I remember reading somewhere that said the bhut/bih/naga (India) were descendants of a Trinidad variety...

I wouldn't consider a Chocolate Hab or a Fatalii in the superhot range...they are between standard orange hab and the superhot range to me...
You could compact the list even more AJ.

Bhut Jolokia and cousins,
7 Pots and cousins
Trinidad Scorpions and cousins.

Eh? :halo:
I have read through as much of this as I can at the moment and have a quick question.

Is the 'Morouga Scorpion' simply a rebranded 'Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend' (as has been freely available for quite a while now on various sites) in order for it to have a more unique niche and be able to be sold by someone on there site as such in order to get more sales ???

They both look identical from all pictures I have seen??

Any idea anyone??
I believe them to be one and the same.


I have read through as much of this as I can at the moment and have a quick question.
Is the 'Morouga Scorpion' simply a rebranded 'Trinidad Scorpion Morouga Blend' (as has been freely available for quite a while now on various sites) in order for it to have a more unique niche and be able to be sold by someone on there site as such in order to get more sales ???

They both look identical from all pictures I have seen??

Any idea anyone??
Wow - did I learn a lot from this topic. Including "how to be completely confused". :rofl:

sincerely appreciate everyone's contributions to the info though - great stuff as always.
hey, AB, do you mind if I make that superhot list more compact?

Bhut/Bih Jolokia (India), Naga Morich (India), Dorset Naga (and Dorset Naga is just a Naga Morich that was grown out in England)....many strains of these now exist with the different colors and all, but from what I am familiar with, all were red in color when ripe...

The chocolate bhut jolokia is supposedly a natural variant that has been around as long as the red. That makes sense to me, since it's just as hot and the pod shape and growth habits are almost exactly the same.

But I agree you can basically just say all the natural variants (not crosses) of bhut/naga, 7 Pod, and Trinidad scorpion. The only possible exception I can think of being the yellow bhut jolokia, which some say is a mutant or naturally occuring variant and not a cross. It is about the same heat as a fatalii imo.

Some of the varieties, like chocolate Trinidad scorpion are probably crosses and not quite in that superhot range from what I've read, but I haven't grown any.
See...this is what happens. First they don't even mention the butch T.....how ignorant do these journalists have to be...either that or they dont care about real journalism...which is finding facts and exposing the truth. Brain Strain...Idk but I do kmow there isnt scientific proof proving or disproving it. But the trade mark is cappys...so therefore if he says its not then its not until otherwise proven and should be noted as such. They mentioned Ted!!! YOU IDIOT...you made the big times...congrats..thats some good exposure buddy. The only Journalist that will get it right is a true chilihead plain and simple.
Well, this went completely "viral" today all across the web.. cnn, usa today, yahoo.. etc

Yeah there is some good viral marketing being used here to get 'new' names of the chilli out there as well as the names of individuals and a business as well out into the world that is for sure.

Although I am growing more then a little dubious about the motives behind this whole thing as to me it is starting to really smell of a publicity stunt for one man and his business, the more articles I read and see the more it simply smacks of it.

Not to mention the use of 'Brain Strain (TM)' in an article (which I can't believe was simply poor jounalism more then likely that was a deliberate placement on request judging by the mud slinging around the place at the moment)
See...this is what happens. First they don't even mention the butch T.....how ignorant do these journalists have to be...either that or they dont care about real journalism...which is finding facts and exposing the truth.

It is hard to believe that they can't get the previous champion correct. It's pretty ignorant. It wouldn't happen with this frequency in sports, automotive, etc., that the previous record holder would be reported incorrectly. Mixing up names and trademarks is another story. I can give some leniency on that, since it's murky, confusing, and somewhat hard to corroborate with traditional sources.