heat moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

In today's media, sensationalism is more important than accuracy...

Sometimes. There are still real journalists. Unfortunately, journalists are paid nothing to be overworked and expected to get it right 100% of the time.

There is also a LOT more noise out there from "journalists" than there is from real journalists. Kind of like lawyers. Bad lawyers burden good ones with their reputation.

Blogger, OTOH, can say anything with few repercussions, drive traffic with sensationalism, make good money from ad revenue, and are expected to behave in this manner.

It's always about the money. Especially when you have a family to feed.
I find all this fascinating, but since I have learned so much from AJ, I kind of have his take on it. A Bhut is a bhut, a Scorpion is a Scorpion, a 7-pot is a 7-pot. I don't get this need to attach more names to them. In simple biology traits are seen in some generations and not the next. This is the same for peppers and heat. If a pod from one plant is 2 million Shu it has absolutely no guarantee that the next plant will be even close to that. Heck the next POD might not be close to that. So WHY all the fuss? They are hot, they are cool. We all grow them. I don't get it.

I agree, ultimately most (not all) people doing this finicky relabeling (when differentiating traits are dubious) are just out to make a quick buck... If you can have "your pepper" tip the SHU scale then even better.... I get that naming a pepper is fun, and if it is truly varied that's cool. But when money comes into it....
There was an article her in the local free paper this morning on "der scharfste Chili der Welt" Der trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Even in zurich....
Get um while there still available. LOL


I wonder if these 3 are what he mixed up and sent to CPI as "they all looked the same..."

HOLY SHIT! $27 Dollars for some seeds?!?!?! Are you F%$(*&G Kidding me!

Judy is still selling them at $4.

I don't care IF they came in at 2mil for a random pod, $27 dollars is robbery. Some young kid is gonna do a search for this pepper, find it, pay that much, and think that all seed sellers are riding the waves of the media and a bunch of douches. Two weeks ago they were normal price, now they are more expensive than a bottle of Jameson. There is an etiquette to this community, and this guy just wiped his @ss with it....
One of my local nurseries is growing them this year. But they were apparently already growing them when the news hit. They have a fairly long history of growing a small amount of superhots/very hots and dedicating a tiny portion of their vegetable start section to them. Kinda cool.
Here is the most F'd up part about it....it is a seed pack that comes with the Sunrise Scorp and 7 BP. So we are talking anywhere from 33-50 or so seeds. When put into perspective it isn't THAT bad. Some have paid more. BUT here is the kicker...the ONLY way to get the Morouga seeds IS TO BUY THE PACK! Please someone tell me I am wrong and I overlooked it. I see yellow Morouga, but no red....

This is the seller's ploy....Hey everyone, I have Morouga seeds for sale, BUT the only way to get em is to pay 30 dollars to get 2 other strains that (are pretty cool) but are not the reason you came to the site. That is 100 times worse than paying 27 dollars just for Morouga seeds. It is one thing to offer a single strain for a dumb price, and another to trap unsuspecting chili growers by forcing them to get some other stuff they dont want or need just to pay a premium.

Thank God there are other honest seed sellers out there.
Remember how some in here called out the latex gloves early on?

Yeah - all part of the marketing:
Why are you guys mad, this is business and marketing 101...who didn't see this coming? Granted he's lost credibility with people experienced with growing superhots, but that's obviously not who he's selling to.

I wonder if he has the kids processing seeds for free to "get em off the street"?
Wonder if they are mixed or separated and labeled?...Yesterday it was 10+ Morouga seeds for $24.99...

You have to click on the "more details" link to see that the deal includes the other strains. It doesn't say if they are mixed or separate. Either way, though, it seems like a way to minimize the opportunity for a casual grower to grow them out in isolation.