heat moruga scorpion new hottest in the world

They were available for a modest price alone 3 days ago....what happened?

I could have sworn that they were 27 for just the Morougas this morning. Might be wrong, but in 2 days when the Google Cache becomes available we shall see....

EDIT: The first mass-produced articles came out the 15/16th....Seeds available on the 14th at a decent price, article comes out late on the 15th/early 16th, seeds cost as much as diamonds.....
I wonder if these are the kind of people that buy 25 dollar seeds...I copied this comment from a news story from AP

"The jolokia pepper is the hottest. Most of the peppers they are " discovering" are hy-breds. The last hy-bred was the (butcher t) ! It measured almost double the heat of the jolokia pepper. To give you an idea of how hot a jolokia pepper is... In india it is use for elephant repelent spray!"

WTH is a butcher t... ;)

Here is the full story http://news.yahoo.com/trinidad-moruga-scorpion-wins-hottest-pepper-title-015457622.html
The comments are just...well... :banghead:
Yesterday, there were no other strains offered - it was ONLY the Morouga's. He changed that at some point...I don't have to click on "more details" to see that other strains are included, as it says so ("combo") on the page front...I was joking about the seeds being separated :)
"Combo" could mean anything. Unless I'm not seeing something, it's only in the "more details" that you see what else is included. I thought the question about the seeds being separated was a valid one. :confused:
Why are you guys mad, this is business and marketing 101...who didn't see this coming? Granted he's lost credibility with people experienced with growing superhots, but that's obviously not who he's selling to.

I wonder if he has the kids processing seeds for free to "get em off the street"?
Goes against the grain of this forum's strengths - generosity and helpfulness.

"Combo" could mean anything. Unless I'm not seeing something, it's only in the "more details" that you see what else is included. I thought the question about the seeds being separated was a valid one. :confused:
I'm sorry, Sawyer - I should have used a smiley face to indicate that. My bad!! :(
Well, I'm still :confused: . No need to be :( , :) is better. I still wonder if the "combo pack" includes three separate packs or one pack of three mixed strains.
His prices have always been really high, hiis seeds are about 2-4x as much as most sites. I would never pay those prices, but apparently enough people do. Some people are really bad at googling though.
what about the SR any no one said it was the hottest.. well you all watch it someone somewhere say the SR is the new "hottest"
yeah - smart money's on someone who's growing it en masse and wants to sell the pepper or seeds.

I agree with those who say it's just marketing, relax. I mean, I get the frustration of seeing someone rip people off on a gimmick, but as PT Barnum is supposed to have said, there's a sucker born every minute. Some of us have the moral fiber not to take advantage of people, but not everyone's wired that way.
I have no problem with anyones price they charge for seeds.
Don't buy them from whatever seed vendor.

My problem is the smoke and mirror acts that are put out there to sell said seeds.

It's for the Children....
He sent CPI a mix of seeds(so he posted), so who really knows what was really tested.

Guy walks the line as far as not telling the whole truth so he can back peddle away if he gets into a bind.
Seeds that didn't grow as expected are always some one elses fault etc.
So what if he replaces seeds.
The replacements are probably the same thing.
Eventually one seeds going to look similar to what it should grow into.

Hobby farmers bad seeds or whatever is his excuse.
Or so and so got the same strange pods/plants as he did.
So that makes it ok?
Isn't the seller responsible for the products they sell,at least to stuff they can control?
Aren't you supposed to grow out some of your seed stock to check for purity before selling the seeds as whatever?
Especially when the customer is paying a premium price.

I personaly don't believe a word the guy says.
A girl I met in Milan, Italy, originally from california said that her home state was the cereal state... Take out the fruits and nuts, and all you are left with are the flakes.

Of course, once said fruits, nuts, and flakes reach retirement age, they all move to Florida... So we aren't much better.

Back on topic, I agree in principal Smoke - not enough data points, etc.

I do think that in this instance having given so many seeds, and then growing out bunches of them, and then randomly selecting which plants would have their pods tested, eliminates the possibility of impure seed. Either it was pure, NMSU are idiots, or he'd developed some kind of hybrid that grows true, in the latter case, let him charge whatever he wants.

In the horse world, stud fees are charged, and my moms nice horse might bring 500$, but a champion - tripple crown winner, or grand pubah (Whatever the title is in dresage) can bring 10's to 100's of thousands for a sperm sample...

I see this as being in a similar vein - if you want seed from the same source that produced the champion, then you'll pay a premium.

As for me, I'll settle for the same strain, but from a less inflated source - if I even end up growing that variety at all.

His shtick "its for the kids" is tired. If it was really all about the kids, he'd not have to brag about it on his sales related website. The fact he does means its a sales tactic.