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MrOneEyedBoh's Grow Log!!

nice link. that university is right by where I work. Anyway that is saying the temps are getting too low. but the others are not purple. Hmm maybe they need some ferts
MrOneEyedBoh said:
nice link. that university is right by where I work. Anyway that is saying the temps are getting too low. but the others are not purple. Hmm maybe they need some ferts

I wouldn't feed them til you at least see fully developed true leaves. Good way to kill a plant is over fert it, which is easy to do when they are still young.

Also, how often do you water? Your soil always looks so wet in those pics is why I ask. Be careful with not overwatering, in most media its better to let peppers almost dry out completely before watering, not only does it encourage root growth but it overwatering is one of the easiest ways to kill peppers.

Also, purpling isn't anything to worry about, anthrocyanins are, like AJ said, kinda like the plant's "sunblock". If they start to turn brown, yellow or black then maybe worry a bit.
I just watered them. I was doing that. waiting until they were dry but It seems as I was doing that they were NOT growing. I'm not sure why they are still small. I just started ( today ) to use super thrive. and I'll see where that takes me.

Its going to bet pretty much a month since they were put into germination. I would think that these should be aLOT bigger than they are.
Looks like the secondary leaves are now starting to come in.. Its been a month now, should these have been in by now? Or are these slow growers because they are super hots?
MrOneEyedBoh said:
Looks like the secondary leaves are now starting to come in.. Its been a month now, should these have been in by now? Or are these slow growers because they are super hots?


I doubt it. Here's some Bhuts that sprouted a month ago:


WHAT WRONG WITH MY PLANTS? they are so god damn small.. I'm about to throw em out.. Why spend money on them if they arent going to grow.
imaguitargod said:
Hmmm...those leaves are oddly shiney...check for aphids....


I had just sprayed them with Safer Soap. I've seen a couple of a**ids here and there but I'm trying my best to make sure they don't get a foothold.

You ought to be thankful I didn't post a picture of those plants a couple of weeks ago when I had covered them with garlic powder. It really looked like they were infested.

BTW, it helps but it is not 100 percent effective. Then again, not even DDT is 100% effective at killing all those creatures.

MrOneEyedBoh said:
WHAT WRONG WITH MY PLANTS? they are so god damn small.. I'm about to throw em out.. Why spend money on them if they arent going to grow.

They will grow, give them time! PATIENCE...I know that word gets old but it's true. Wait until they get more leaves and they'll perk up. Hardest thing you'll ever do is wait on a pepper lol, they can be nerve-racking to worry over.
I want to get a heat source in there that will keep it a constant temp.I think that is the problem. I may just go the heating pad route..

It's early February. There's no need to rush them. If they looked sick, had yellow leaves that were falling off - yeah, be concerned.

Let nature take its course.

MrOneEyedBoh said:
So other than their short stature they are looking alright?

They look a lot like mine which are also growing in a cold environment. It may not be a bad thing since they won't outgrow their small indoor containers before going outside. I had some that looked that small when they went outside in May last year - 2 inch seedlings. I was real careful hardening them off but they grew fine and ended up being good plants. Last year I didn't start with any seeds until March. This year my first batch was started January 4th. Don't give up on them, just do everything you can to keep them alive. Over watering is a bigger hazard than cold.
Alright, oh yeah your down one state from me.. its pretty cold here in MD now and the house heat just cant really HEAT the whole house. I mena it can, but with the cost of electric and natural gas... BGE ( our provider ) is killing us with these high bills...