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My 2008 plants + growing setup

Cheers man! Yours will look the same in a few weeks, I have started planting earlier than you and can't help but envy the guys that have started earlier than I have... :)
Thanks guys! You bet I like my plants happy and healthy, too!

It's also fun to see other's plants and how they're doing. Part of the addiction I guess! :)
Chiliac said:
I have never heard of Epson Salt tbh. Has anyone used it?

Dale, what is this stuff?

Epsom Salts is basically magnesium sulphate. I use it on my plants and they do green up nicely - it also helps fruit set.

from Wikipedia:

"In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil (magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule). It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, and peppers. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility."

I use 1ts per watering can as a foliar feed.
Update: I felt better yesterday morning and decided to grab the opportunity and cut off the first flowers of all the annuum varieties.

Today, half of them is enjoying a day in the sun on my window sill. It's a sunny day, so it was a good opportunity!

Time for a small update.

The plants are doing well and are happy knowing they'll move outside within the month.


7Pot I love the way this plant looks, I'd even love it if it I didn't know what it is! :) The compact growth, the big leaves *sigh*....


Aurora I have high hopes that one of the 3 Auroras I'm growing will be my top beauty this season. I like the purple stems, veins and flowers (of course!)...


Bird's Eye First flower of the year and it didn't even fall off but turned into a nice promising green pod...

My first Tomatillo also sprouted yesterday so all that's left to prove its potency is the Cilantro, but I'm optimistic!
As promised, some new pics. I'm glad my plants survived my 7 week absence. Looks like my mate took pretty good care of them. He'll be rewarded with his share of the yield...



you are right, looks like your mate did a good job of taking care of the plants...
We didn't manage to find out what has bitten pieces out of the leaves, we never saw any bugs or caterpillars. As you said it didn't seem to affect the plants at all, they took it like true men. :)

I have switched to BoiBizz ferts now, lets see how they will be doing with a new diet!