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My 2008 plants + growing setup

Hehe, nah, cheating would mean adding extra pods or retouching holes in leaves or spots in them. I resize them, too, of course!!!

As long as you don't make the picture give someone a wrong a idea of what's on it, everything is allowed! :)
I spend a few hours there every day trying to get it into shape. I'm pulling out lotsa weeds, decide what I wanna keep and what I wanna get rid of and act accordingly.

My plants - in pots - like it very much, they are growing fast and some are exploding with flowers and pods.

I have ordered a shredder that'll help me turn all the stuff I pull out and cut off (heaps!!!) into nice useful compost.

I'll post some updated pics as soon as it makes any sense.:)

Thx for asking, MB!
Man Chiliac. If I was closer I would take a weekend off and come help you, but germany is a bit far for me. Looking forward to seeing your garden next year. Keep it up.
I appreciate that, but I guess you are a little bit too far away! :)

I'm actually doing quite well doing it bit by bit. Results are visible. :) And I can take a stroll along my plants whenever I feel like it!
chilliman64 said:
Epsom Salts is basically magnesium sulphate. I use it on my plants and they do green up nicely - it also helps fruit set.

from Wikipedia:

"In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil (magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule). It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, and peppers. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility."

I use 1ts per watering can as a foliar feed.

this may be a dumb question because i think you may have answered already.... can you put this into a spray bottle and spray directly on the foliage ?
Chiliac said:
I have ordered a shredder that'll help me turn all the stuff I pull out and cut off (heaps!!!) into nice useful compost.

I'm saving up funds for lighting for this winter/spring, but I learned to not add 45 tomato stalks in October and expect compost in April! My shredder will be a lawn mower, plus I have a bale of straw and a huge pile of dead dirt/potting soil with peat/top soil that I will add to it/ If I throw in all the chili plants I won't overwinter, I should have maybe 1.5 cubic yards of compost next year, to add to the six yards I already have.

Man, it will be so nice to plant in dirt instead of containers, especially since the dirt should be super rich in nuits.

chilliman64 said:
Epsom Salts is basically magnesium sulphate. I use it on my plants and they do green up nicely - it also helps fruit set.

from Wikipedia:

"In agriculture and gardening, magnesium sulfate is used to correct magnesium deficiency in soil (magnesium is an essential element in the chlorophyll molecule). It is most commonly applied to potted plants, or to magnesium-hungry crops, such as potatoes, roses, tomatoes, and peppers. The advantage of magnesium sulfate over other magnesium soil amendments (such as dolomitic lime) is its high solubility."

I use 1ts per watering can as a foliar feed.

I use it on my dahlias too... it helps bring out the colors and prevent some fading. But, it definitely does green them up nicely.

I am still waiting to talk to my boss at the garden center if I could take the pepper plants home. I have 4 giant bhut jolokia that I have started, and they are almost 3' tall and got lots of pods on them. thing is though, my mom and I share green-house, and there may not be enough room. I decided that I am going to insulate the old fish-shack and put a heater in it.. The plants should be happy in the fish-shack as it gets plenty of light in it. I am going to hang some lights in it for the 'dark days' of the year.. I will have a timer set for the fluorescent light, and then another timer switching off and on the sunlight. Yes, I'm talking about 1 of those self-ballasted mercury light. It's an oldie, but it still does the job for the plants, and the plants apparently likes the light spectrum it puts out. Once I make the setup, I'll try to get pictures taken...
Thanks, a little outdated though. I'll post some new pics in a few days, I forgot to bring my camera when I went to the garden.
Really awesome photos (and this coming from a photographer). I can't wait to see more, especially since I just moved to Bayern! :onfire:
Chiliac said:
A little praise from a pro is always very nice! Thanks, man! More pics are coming your way this weekend!

Did you get those pics? I was hoping to see the Champion pepper and plant that your always talking about. Looking forward to growing them(THANKS AGAIN!)

Lets see them! :onfire: