A heck of an attempt there Slade.
I especially appreciated that after the "reversal", you reached down, grabbed another pepper, and chomped that wicked bastard down.
That took huge stones. I'm sure every fiber of your being was telling your hand to NOT put that thing in your mouth, but you (albeit briefly) mind-over-mattered it, which I respect.
And also laughed - I laughed a lot. I thank you for that Slade. I also do not care if you do or don't break an unofficial record. The very concept of trying to break a record that doesn't exist is amusing, but throw in superhot peppers and it just gets downright ridiculous.
I'm with Blue - you guys don't need to have an idiot-off. You're both idiots just for doing what you do. Y'all should give each other notes & pointers. Just think how much stupidity you guys could accomplish of you teamed up rather than combating each other!
You may call this a failed attempt Slade, but I think I speak for most of your audience in saying it was a highly successful video. You didn't fail to entertain, and for that, I thank you.
Ps - special thanks to ghostpepperstore for supplying the ammo to enable this video. I sincerely hope that you continue to support & facilitate the desire of people to hurt themselves on the internets for our entertainment.