food My Badass Burrito!

Dang Nate!
That 'thang looks heavy with all that rice AND potato's.
That would thunk down hard in my stomach like a diesel truck battery.
But that leftover meat looks so dadgum guud I'd have to hit it.
This just in from CNN.
Actually it did put me out. I'm just waking up. If I keep eating all these burritos I'm gonna be too lazy to do anything ever again.
TB- Hells yea!!!
I think this thread is going to popularize fish burritos. Everyone has fish's the natural progression of awesomeness!!
Yours even looks rather healthy....good on ya.
Crispin it up a bit before serving just makes it that much more great!! I do that every time. 
Also, I prefer to steam the tortilla before filling it (I don't always get around to it, but it makes a WORLD of difference!!!).
It's so easy to stretch and fold that way. 
I digress...rockin burrito! 
That looked like the kind of burrito that juice and meat chunks fall out of your mouth and all over your hands/arms while you're eating it, but you never stop because it's so good...and the look on your face is one of angry conquest, challenging, nay...DARING the burrito to resist the next bite, because it's going to happen! 
You did a G-J.
(Great Job).
...Hey, the world already has a B-J and a H-J...I think we need to have a G-J also! 
Oh HAEL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

steamed tortillas???


WTF is in the water down there in SoFlo???? Steam is for man-spas.

Burn that damm thing man! With FIRE!!!

Pft... steamed... :spitsonthground:
Scoville DeVille said:
Oh HAEL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

steamed tortillas???


WTF is in the water down there in SoFlo???? Steam is for man-spas.

Burn that damm thing man! With FIRE!!!

Pft... steamed... :spitsonthground:
So sorry Scovalingus but I got to go wit' Fitty on this one.
Damp paper towel on the tortilla and nuked for 15 seconds makes a cold flour tortilla much easier to work with and roll.
Then AFTER its rolled slap the hot iron to it.
For non rolled tacos the tortilla goes straight to cast iron.
They know some sheeit.
No doubt SoFlo knows some sheeit! But my grandma just came back to life and smacked me on the backa mahead for just participating in this conversation! She would die again if anyone ever steamed her tortillas. So would I.

In what world is a burnt tortilla hard to roll?

Get a gym membership, burn your tortillas on some fire, roll them with your new man arms and eat that sheeit.

You are all insane. Take your meds!

(You know I love you guys)
Rather traditional but very tasty:  steak, cheese, rice, beans, mushrooms, red bell peppers, jalapenos, birgit locoto peppers, onion, 10 inch tortilla.  Served with a bit of sour cream and Lucky Dog Orange Label.




Looks great buddy.
Scoville DeVille said:
Oh HAEL NO!!!!!!!!!!!!

steamed tortillas???


WTF is in the water down there in SoFlo???? Steam is for man-spas.

Burn that damm thing man! With FIRE!!!

Pft... steamed... :spitsonthground:
I have several CI skillets but searing tortillas on them always leaves a little residue of burnt tortillas that interferes with the seasoning. BUT, they are so damn good with a little sear that a Comal is on my shopping list in the very near future. Very near.

Dedicated tortilla searing device.
Jeff ever body needs a cast iron comal.
And not just for tortilla's.
Makes a perfect toasted burger bun while leaving the outside still squishy good.
I used to use my comal unseasoned and dry and it was wonderful.
But because mrs. blues kept using it to make grilled cheese sammich's I waved the white flag of surrender and seasoned it up.
Still not quite non stick yet but getting there.
What happened to JayWow?
Not even a microwaved taquito let alone a bigass burrito.
We've been ripped off y'all!

Almost forgot.
Buddy kickin' ass with perfectly balanced ingredient ratio.
Actually not easy to do.
Buddy I salute you senor!
Jeff H said:
Looks great buddy.
I have several CI skillets but searing tortillas on them always leaves a little residue of burnt tortillas that interferes with the seasoning. BUT, they are so damn good with a little sear that a Comal is on my shopping list in the very near future. Very near.

Dedicated tortilla searing device.
Get the one made from Lodge. They are made here in the states and are great quality. I have one old Lodge, 1 new Lodge and 3 really old Griswold CI skillet griddles and griddles.
SavinaRed said:
Get the one made from Lodge. They are made here in the states and are great quality. I have one old Lodge, 1 new Lodge and 3 really old Griswold CI skillet griddles and griddles.
I like lodge but their basic comal is only 10.5". Plenty for most tortillas, but not for big ass burrito tortillas. For them, I am spying this 14" one.
Okay everyone. Big ass burrito time Jeff H style.
The wife went to Kroger yesterday with a list so we should have everything we need.
All the potato pics made me hungry.

Potatoes, onion, garlic, mexican spices and a healthy dose of annuum blend powder.
Chicken next (no photo sorry, I blame the Bud Light).
Now, to sear up some burrito wraps.
Jeff goes to the fridge to find them...........

What the fluck is this????
Mrs wifey, how do you get burrito mixed up with fajita. :crazy:
Okay, Scratch the big ass burrito. Time to salvage this and make some medium ass tacos.
Sear up them tortillas.

That is just about done.
Plate pic.

And 1/2 gone pick.

Although I used a copius amount of annuum powder, the potatoes must have absorbed it because it wasn't as hot as I expected. After this photo I got out the home made tabasco sauce. My home made sauce is almost straight tabascos --more like a puree, so it is much much hotter than the store bought stuff.
Good dinner, but I need to go to Kroger with the wife next time and show her where the burrito wraps are. :shame:
And no one say anything to my wife about me being harsh with her, I'll never hear the end of it. :D
Jeff H said:
...burrito wraps...
Careful. You already put tacos in the burrito thread (your intentions were pure)...But TB checks often! 
haha looks great Jeff! 
You had a burrito in your heart. It's your wife that TB should take issue with! It's a burrito in taco clothing! hahahahaha
And Gott dammitt, look at that beautiful char.
Nice Jeff. I am the tortilla Sheriff and you have been cited for AWESOMENESS.
Tell me it doesn't add it's own flavor... I dare you.
I really can't fault Jeff.
He lives in an inhospitable alien world far far away.
Nor can I blame his wife.
I know how mine is.
She'da put ketchup on the damn 'thang.
texas blues said:
Jeff ever body needs a cast iron comal.
And not just for tortilla's.
Makes a perfect toasted burger bun while leaving the outside still squishy good.
I used to use my comal unseasoned and dry and it was wonderful.
But because mrs. blues kept using it to make grilled cheese sammich's I waved the white flag of surrender and seasoned it up.
Still not quite non stick yet but getting there.
What happened to JayWow?
Not even a microwaved taquito let alone a bigass burrito.
We've been ripped off y'all!

Almost forgot.
Buddy kickin' ass with perfectly balanced ingredient ratio.
Actually not easy to do.
Buddy I salute you senor!
Work, work my friend.  I still owe you the Amish Mafia BBQ Chiken Fajita Burrito, and it is still coming.
JayT said:
Work, work my friend.  I still owe you the Amish Mafia BBQ Chiken Fajita Burrito, and it is still coming.
I here ya' amigo.
Life happens.
I'd rather see you do burger t-down anyhow if you're trying to manage your limited time.
Had 1/2 of the ground bison left to cook up from the burger t-down.
Got down brown wit' it and browned it up in Black Betty with garlic, onion, and chile powder from parts unknown.
Slapped it on this here bigass tortilla with red cabbage, black beans, shredded jack & cheddar scheeze, pickled 'peno's.

Had to do the basket 'thang.
Gives it that authentic Earl's Gas, Grocery, & Liquor mojo vibe.
Far out!

I'm lovin' the bean/cabbage combo as a base to build on lately and its magic with the bison.
This burrito was bitchin'!
Like Bob.
Bob Bitchin.

Mao'd it.