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My Fatalii look crappy

Are these more difficult to grow than others? For some reason mine dont look all that great. Here is a pic that represnts all of them. Makes me glad I didnt partake in the friendly competition going on here.

I kinda think (hope) they will grow out of it. I'm doing everything just like I am all my others. For a comparison here is a Congo Trinidad that is beside the Fatalliis which is doing ok like my others that were planted at the same time
What's your seed starting method? Soil, temp, watering schedule, fertilizer(if any), all that sorta stuff.
My fatalis looks like crap also but I think it is because I used poor potting soil. I didn't have any new stuff and didn't want to wait or week or so until I replenished my stash, so I used some I had used before. Bad mistake, it does not soak water up like normal. The first one sprouted on the 23rd (after 12 days) and it is smaller than some seedlings that came up the 29th.

millworkman said:
Mine looked like that also, I believe it is from soil that is too moist.

Really? Hmmmm do they like it drier than other peppers? I am growing these the same as my others. I've never grown these before so I was kinda wondering what's going on. They are the only ones that are looking like that
Pam said:
What's your seed starting method? Soil, temp, watering schedule, fertilizer(if any), all that sorta stuff.

I started them in my reptile room which is 80-85F, then moved to a different room where there is more light, temps are around 75F. I water when the soil starts getting "dryish" looking. I havent fertilized yet except what is already in the soil. I'm doing it the same as all my peppers but these arent looking near as good as my others for some reason. I kinda think they'll grow but they look like sh-- now
BrianS said:
I started them in my reptile room which is 80-85F, then moved to a different room where there is more light, temps are around 75F. I water when the soil starts getting "dryish" looking. I havent fertilized yet except what is already in the soil. I'm doing it the same as all my peppers but these arent looking near as good as my others for some reason. I kinda think they'll grow but they look like sh-- now

dont make the same mistake i am making...

looks can be deceiving.. like another great member said, stick your finger 4-5 inches in.. dont just look at the surface..


just my 2 cents..lol
Hotpeppa said:
dont make the same mistake i am making...

looks can be deceiving.. like another great member said, stick your finger 4-5 inches in.. dont just look at the surface..


just my 2 cents..lol

I find that most reliable way is to simply lift the pot. You can tell how much water it has by how much it weighs.
I picked up a small Fatali seedling from Neil when I was passing by that I thought was ready to give up the ghost. I found it "hated" direct sunlight, and left in the shade is improved remarkably (going from 1 small leaf to a pretty good looking plant in over a month).
moyboy said:
oh that is a real shame mate.......

Only a few more Aussie fatalii's to poison...

Hmmm, i thought i smelt roundup! Wasn't a great loss anyway, it was about a month old and had just started getting true leaves.
BrianS said:
Are these more difficult to grow than others? For some reason mine dont look all that great

so far I dont find the fataliis harder to grow than any other chinense chile,have 18 of them growing right now, it may be your soil or watering methods.

I found the jamaican hot chocolate the slowest to sprout of several chinense (for me at least)
Mine is doing the same thing. Its almost a month old and looks like it sprouted 3 days ago.

but at least its alive :)
tony05 said:
Mine is doing the same thing. Its almost a month old and looks like it sprouted 3 days ago.

but at least its alive :)

Me three. My fatali look tiny and puny, Im wondering what the hell is wrong there. Everything else they got planted with is going great guns, some are up to 6" high by now, the fatalii are just sitting there, laughing at me.
tony05 said:
Mine is doing the same thing. Its almost a month old and looks like it sprouted 3 days ago.

but at least its alive :)

McGoo said:
Me three. My fatali look tiny and puny, Im wondering what the hell is wrong there. Everything else they got planted with is going great guns, some are up to 6" high by now, the fatalii are just sitting there, laughing at me.

I had 6/6 Fatalii (scoville) sprout and 5 are still alive, but all are small. They just aren't growing for some reason. I'm starting 2 more in Pro-Mix and hope they hit the ground running. Most of my other seedlings are doing much better, especially the Dorset Nagas (THSC) and the Bhuts (hotpeppa) and Red Savinas (hotpeppa). I had one Purple Tiger (THSC) that was growing well but my cat liked the color and decided I didn't need it anyway. I'm investing in a mini greenhouse now to keep pests ....err, pets out.
Novacastrian said:
Didn't get seeds off MoyBoy did you Mcgoo? lol


I was pretty stoked to receive some seeds in the first place, and even more stoked that two of them came up. The choc habs he sent me have been amazing, I think every single one has come up. I figure, as long as I get one pod off of the plants, then I can sow again.