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My First Experience With Bhuts

Well, I'm another person who fell for the Naga Jolokia pepper misunderstanding, however, I currently have some beautiful plants going which are loaded with peppers. I bought a couple packs of Nagas, and planted one entire pack of 26 seeds. Planted 13 small containers...2 seeds per container...experienced excellent germination rate. I soon discovered that all pods on my Nagas look kinda like small cayenne peppers. Nice plants...pretty decent heat on even a couple of the green pods. But alas, I vowed to a couple of my chili head friends, that I would acquire the real mccoy, so I purchased 3 packs of Bhuts from the Chili Pepper Institute. I couldn't wait to get some Bhuts in the ground, so I started some now, even though it was already the 25th of June here in Illinois. I realized it was way too late for planting any, but the plan is, these 3 I planted will hopefully be small, well established plants by the time fall rolls around and will be brought into the house, into my designated chili pepper grow room and kept there under lights over winter. When spring of 2009 rolls around, hopefully, I will have a head start with my Bhuts. Anyway, I used some very fine seed starting mix and 3 small containers...2 seeds per container. Out of 6 seeds planted, the first one germinated in exactly 1 week and 2 days. My next seed germinated in approximately 2 weeks and 2 days. Seed 3 and 4 germinated in just under 3 weeks, and finally seed number 5 germinated right at 3 weeks, for 5 out of 6, which I consider a pretty decent germination rate. I broke out the digital camera this morning and snapped a couple pics of my new babies, and sometime in the next day or so, I will post them.
Welcome, man! Sorry to hear you got f**ked over by some d**khead. I hope you'll enjoy your new hobby anyway and find there are loads of people like you here on this forum!

Be our guest and have a good time!
Welcome from Fort Worth...I was fortunate enough to get a true chinense "Naga Jalokia" from a pepper shop in Key West a couple of months ago when I was there on business...

Inside growing caution...make sure you keep an eye out for aphids...to me they are the nemesis of inside growers...
those babies look happy...
AlabamaJack said:
Welcome from Fort Worth...I was fortunate enough to get a true chinense "Naga Jalokia" from a pepper shop in Key West a couple of months ago when I was there on business...

Inside growing caution...make sure you keep an eye out for aphids...to me they are the nemesis of inside growers...

My question is what are you using to kill the aphids on the Nagas?
We have the corn root worm damage 3 of my plants. 2 Nagas 1 Bhutt.
We use organics on all our plants.
pharmerlaura said:
My question is what are you using to kill the aphids on the Nagas?
We have the corn root worm damage 3 of my plants. 2 Nagas 1 Bhutt.
We use organics on all our plants.

I used Neem oil and Safer Soap...IMO the Safer Soap worked better...not having any problems with aphids now that the plants are outside..
1.- Those new youngins definitely do look like bhuts. The leaf shape is rounder.
2.- I had a few green aphids on a couple of my plants a couple days ago. I sprayed neem oil on it and haven't seen them since.
Bhut Jolokias growing up now

Heres the latest on my Bhut Jolokia project. These plants are doing great and look very healthy so far. I'm gonna start taking them outside a little bit this week to begin the hardening off period. Sorry, got these pics backwards. The first and second ones are from today, 8-6-08, and the third one is from 8-2-08.



ABurningMouth said:
Please post pics of your c. chinense Naga Jolokia AJ. I thought they are supposed to be c. frutesense. Your's are a real novelty.

Here is the thread I posted the picture of the pepper on...I was told it was a Naga Jolokia by the pepper shop owner and am trying to get more information on it now...it is "stupid" hot...
