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my latest hot sauce

ok didnt work today because of weather, so decided to make some hot sauce.

heres the chiles used (had a pathetic season for the chinense chiles)
- (pan) fatalii, peach hab, neon yellow hab, jamaican hot choc., a couple orange hab.
- powder is same chiles (except no orange hab) but unripe pods from late season
- bowl of 25 bhut jolokia pods (dried) in white wine vinegar (was gonna do 50 pods but wanted to save for another batch)


I added some tangerine & lime juice/pulp (freshly squeezed), white wine vinegar, banana, honey, sugar, sea salt, cilantro, garlic.


it has a little heat to it :) I think this sauce would even be worthy to chileheads like you folks here.
yep construction. when the weather is bad I tend to have days off, kinda sucks but what ya gonna do thats something ya gotta deal with in construction. come winter time I might not even work for a whole month or more.

framing,siding, & roofing. these are what pay the bills.
but I've also did my time in HVAC & dabbled in sheetrocking,painting, insulation, little concrete work.
Wow - that many hot peppers, so little sauce!!! It must be nuclear!!! I also like the idea of adding tangerines although I doubt that there is too much of their aroma left! :onfire: Good job!
imaguitargod said:
OHH!!! Tangerines sounds like a great addition! What job do you have that gives you time off for weather? Construction?

Damn good ide Tangerines bet that adds a nice zingy flavor,Chilihunter buddy really nice recipe,Got some dorset pods left i think i might try that,Nice one buddy :hell:
thanks for the remarks.
well I bottled up 2 to give to some friends, I wanted to put some kind of picture on the bottles, so this is what I used. :shocked:


Chiliac said:
Wow - that many hot peppers, so little sauce!!! It must be nuclear!!

IMO its not nuclear (that'd be extract sauce) but it is very hot!
I dont know about the rest of you chileheads as to how many pods you put in your sauces, but I thought this ammount is common practice ?
CH...hey mon! Dat look like some 'ting from de islands. Ain't dat for true? I say dat de surgeon general has it warned dat seeg o rette smoking is hazardous to your health mon...therefore...legalize...dis sauce mon and bring it to all de rasta nations far from Babylon.....

Cheers, TB.

Got spliff?
Chiliac said:
I doubt that there is too much of their aroma left! (tangerine)

for all you commenting about the tangerines, mine dont have that much, it was just the juice from 1.5 tangerines. you cant really taste them but they're there just for a subtle flavor.

texas blues said:
CH...hey mon! Dat look like some 'ting from de islands. Ain't dat for true? I say dat de surgeon general has it warned dat seeg o rette smoking is hazardous to your health mon...therefore...legalize...dis sauce mon and bring it to all de rasta nations far from Babylon.....

Cheers, TB.

Got spliff?

no, but I think you might have some fat spliffs, or you did while posting that :D:lol:
talas said:
Ok a mushroom identification thread just in case i pick the wrong one :)

I ate so many shrooms last night I'm not 100% sure I'm writing this in the real world. If I am, I'm sorry. If not, I'm going to keep on making out with this sexy parking meter.