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My Naga Adventure

The naga was hotter eh WACO? I know the seeds were good as they came from the CPI. We did have a cooler than normal summer here plus the last few weeks the plants have been in my home. I wonder if that could have had an effect on the heat?

No matter, I'm glad I was able to extend your pepper eating season. Wish spring would hurry up and get here.
WACOFlyer said:
OK, Update,

Patrick was very generous to send my several Bhut Jolakia peppers to try.

This time, I carefully removed the seeds, leaving the placenta in place. I quartered lengthwise.

We had simple hamburgers and baked beans for dinner. I ate all 4 quarters with dinner.

I did notice the taste almost identical to the naga morich. The differenece was the heat. I did not get the dental novacaine feeling from the Bhut like the Naga gave me earlier. I did however, did get a little watery eyes from it, unlike the Naga. I will have to try the rest of them to see if all are the same.

BTW, Patrick, you the man!! I'll take care of you..........

All the nagas/Jolokias have slight differences but there all worth trialling for taste..or should i say heat :cheers: