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My Neglected Chilli's

Its the middle of an Aussie winter thats been really cold. To cold to go outside and look after my plants. I haven't watered them in 6 weeks and they haven't had any fertilizer since March.

1 Plant is a stick in the ground with abit of green down the bottom of the stick . . . Can this be rescued ? Im tempted to say yes yes it can.

Another is a fully green stick in the ground it looks alive. Im thinking water and some fertilizer.

1 is a hab that looks to be "sick" it has 5 chilli's on it. I bet they are deadly hot habs. Ive heard neglecting your plants help the burn.

Also 2 other neglected plants. Also have a seedling super chilli that im hoping may live it looks ok.

Photos - warning these images may disturb



2nd picture one on the right its the only one i think my have gone to a better place. So i cut off the dead bits ? Will it live ?

The 3rd picture should I cut the dead bits off that one as well ?
Seen pictures of just sticks left after people have cut back ready for over - wintering,think you'll plants will be fine,read a couple of threads on here may give you heart as chilis plants are hardy survivors and takes a lot to kill them especially with some growth like yours :)
If there's green it can usually be saved IMO.

For the love of Capsaicin...take care of those, or send 'em to me ;)
There can't be any guarantees, but I guess most of them will make it. They drop their leaves when it's too cold, just like any tree would. I can second what the others said, cut back and make sure they get plenty of light and a little water. Don't give up on them too soon. :)
ha ha ha ha !

too cold to go outside in an Aussie winter...lmao

your winters are like a summer day for us in Canada...lol
If I showed you the "sticks" I had in late May and what these plants turned into by late July, you'd be very shocked. I learned a valuable lesson this year. Don't give up things for dead if a hint of green exists! :)

Ive cut the dead bits off each of the plants. Ive stuck a stick into the dirt in the pots to airate a bit. Ive given them plently of water. Stuck a stick in the dirt next to the hab and tied it to it to keep it upright. Ive given them all a handful of yates all purpose fertilizer.

Lets see what happens
this is winter; you have green grass. your plants will do just fine give them time and they will come back. If your grass is still alive your plants can make it
We had only one day of snow last winter. The winters are getting warmer and warmer, but nothing in comparison to yours. Right now we have about 30-35°C during the day, a bit too much for my taste! It's supposed to rain today - fingers crossed!
where are you in Australia Volrathy ?

i'm australian as well and i do miss the Aussie weather !.... i lived in perth for many years.. i miss it, everytime i see someone from australia here i start daydreaming of my days on the west coast..lol

sighhhhhh here i go, off to never neverland..lol