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greenhouse My new (8ft x 12ft) Greenhouse

This is my new greenhouse, I am using it for my chilli and pepper plants aswell as some Toms.
Cant wait to get all my plants settled in.
Not at all, I got it for a very reasonable price. It was secondhand and I saw it advertised locally for £425. I paid £400.
There is a similar one in my local garden centre for £2300 so I think I done well.
Hell yeah man, greenhouses are great. Excellent condition too. I'm between greenhouses myself right now and can't wait until I get another. Can you pull off year round peppers there w/o a heater? I am unfamiliar w/ growing in the UK.
boutros said:
Hell yeah man, greenhouses are great. Excellent condition too. I'm between greenhouses myself right now and can't wait until I get another. Can you pull off year round peppers there w/o a heater? I am unfamiliar w/ growing in the UK.

I wouldn't be able to grow all year round in the UK without the heater, or probably even with the heater. Im pushing it a bit by putting some plants in this early as the heater will be on all night and it's quite expensive to run. I could grow them year round in the loft 'growroom' though.
nice set up and great deal Twang...
So too am I very jealous. I can only dream. It sucks big hairy testicles living in an apartment. But that is the price you pay for city living.
Awesome! Did you ave to build that brick base specially for it, or did it fit or something that was already there?
I have a very similar greenhouse, but it got quite mangled this winter. I left the door open a bit, and the wind blew out the 3 back panels and ripped the base(not brick) apart:( I hope its still salvagable but I'll have to wait till the snow melts to find the panels. Its about 4 or 5 years old now
caroltlw said:
Awesome! Did you ave to build that brick base specially for it, or did it fit or something that was already there?

I built the base myself, I got the bricks for free from work which was handy. It only took an hour to do the footing and an hour to lay the bricks.