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My new flying DEATH ARMY is on its way.

Hey guys,
As I have had problems with aphid and spider mite.... I decided to EMPLOY AN ARMY ! As Neem Oil and other methods have FAILED!
I want to get either praymantis or Lady bug, and was thinking about other predator mite to get rid of them as well.
Lady bugs where hard to find, and in the end could not find any ready for sale now.

And after lengthy chat with BUG guy he has suggested these...


Evil looking things !
Green lacewing
General predator
Mallada signata

As their common name implies, adult green lacewings are green, with four clear wings. Adult female lacewings live for approximately three or four weeks and lay up to 600 eggs. Each egg sits on the end of a slender stalk, which elevates it from the ground and decreases the chances of predation by ants. The eggs take approximately four days to hatch.

Larvae range in size from 1 mm at first emergence up to 8 mm just before they pupate. They have small spines on their backs upon which they impale the remains of prey. This provides a form of camouflage and allows the larvae to appear inconspicuous amongst the prey. Larvae pass through three moults over a period of 12 days before pupating inside a silken cocoon. Adults emerge after nine days and start laying eggs seven days after emergence.

Lacewing larva feeding on mealybug crawler
Denis Crawford
Target pests
Aphids (various species)
Twospotted mite Tetranychus urticae
Greenhouse whitefly Trialeurodes vaporariorum
Scales (various species)
Mealybugs (various species)
Moth eggs and small caterpillars
Larvae of the green lacewing are wide-ranging predators that will attack and eat almost any small insects or eggs. Lacewing larvae are particularly effective at controlling aphids and can consume 60 aphids in an hour. They will also attack mealybugs, greenhouse whitefly, thrips, twospotted mite, small caterpillars and moth eggs.

@$30 for 300 eggs delivered.....

hahahhhh --- the Death ARMY is on there way!...:hell:

Anybody used these before ?
RichardK said:
Wheres the backup? you cant have an army without...

:rofl: That will be secondary ground infantry if the air raid is non affective...... LOL

Make it a staged attack....

Dont forget the Marines: I might get a few of these on solo missions to plan assassinations and stage executions.
patrick said:
Very cool. Good luck to ya.

Poor bastages them aphids.

Death from above.... let the bastards enjoy what peace they have left.... few days they will be fighting to exsist.! hahahah

Nakana said:
F' that, go get those little bastards!

Have tried everything else organic nothing has stoped these things....
Better yet the DEATH ARMY was one of the cheapest methods I will use so far ( if it works )

--- No more MR NICE GUY !
I like the idea of running a ECO system of Bugs too ! Let things naturally work itself out! And maintaining little PREDATORS, would be intresting.
Wow those do look mean. I may have to get some. I have been spraying neem oil for weeks and just broke my spray bottle today. They haven't taken over, but they just keep coming back. Seems like 1 adult just starts the entire process over.
LGHT said:
Wow those do look mean. I may have to get some. I have been spraying neem oil for weeks and just broke my spray bottle today. They haven't taken over, but they just keep coming back. Seems like 1 adult just starts the entire process over.

lol... Im with ya`...Story of my indoor garden...
I have been at it for around 2 months... and every time I think they are gone,
theeerrrreeeee baaaaccckkkk

So , I figure i needed some hungry mercenaries :hell: to fight on my behalf and in my absecence... ! And more importantly EAT THE EGGS ! :onfire:

I dont know why I didnt think of it earlier.. becuase i have spent so much money on Neem oil, concentrates, eco oil, etc, etc. would of saved probably $60... :( Lets not talk about the energy put in also !

I have bought far to many lavue (300) I think it was 5 per plant- so the system will correct it self after the intial gorge... and I will probably always have a few around but most will die after the food is gone.... which means if they buggers come back the ARMY will rise from the ashs.....
Yes! That's the coolest ever.
I sprinkled some diatomaceous earth powder on some of the affected plants, then sprayed them with some water with the powder in it. Right now my plants look pretty weird, but I think it slowed them down.


I'll see if it's worth the trouble or if it's just a pain and mess soon.
Very interesting thread, Chilliman. Had lots of problems too this year with bugs and with a puppy around find it hard to use sprays. Spent quite alot of time trying to track down Lady Bugs without success either.

Micca302 said:
Very interesting thread, Chilliman. Had lots of problems too this year with bugs and with a puppy around find it hard to use sprays. Spent quite alot of time trying to track down Lady Bugs without success either.


I think they are seasonal ! The guys I got these off have contacts for them.
I too dont like sprays and chemicals, so bugs seem logical !

patrick said:
Good luck Chilliman! Unleash the bugs of war!!!

HAHAHHEHEHEEH - Time for war !:hell:
Keep us posted on the outcome and if they are worth the cost or not. I found a place here in the states that sell them and i'm considering on getting some also. I don't have a huge problem, but don't want to wait until I do.