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My new flying DEATH ARMY is on its way.

chilliman said:
I will Spray a 1/4 solution of NEEM as well... supposedly that it will help.. and wont kill the lacewing ?!

It's been more than 10 days for me and nothing. I was also told to not spray neem oil as it will also kill the lacewing larvae?? Not sure if that's right though? I think i'm gonna get some lady bug larvae if I can find any. I don't want to risk the ladybugs flying away as soon as you open the door. I think another member wrote he got some, but they all flew away like their house was on fire! :mouthonfire:
Make sure you have the right OTHER plants in there as well , you may have to grow a few flowers etc to make them feel at home.... And i thought Lacewing ALSO feed on pollen and necture/sap from flowers and pistals????..... so if you have not got any ...You find that they are gone in search... ?:(
chilliman said:
Make sure you have the right OTHER plants in there as well , you may have to grow a few flowers etc to make them feel at home.... And i thought Lacewing ALSO feed on pollen and necture/sap from flowers and pistals????..... so if you have not got any ...You find that they are gone in search... ?:(

I actually have a huge garden full of other flowers, plants, cactus, herbs, etc. I have actually caught several lacewings at night that seem to gather around the patio light. However these eggs just never seemed to hatch or show up at all. That's why i'm wondering if I got a bad batch or they all died before hatching. Either way it was a waste of $20.00!!
You forgot covert opps.


and amphibious units.


Hey CM, how did you go with these bugs?
I got a bit of an Aphid problem now and I want to get on to them before it gets out of hand so I was thinking of ordering 4 tubs of 500!!!
I got 500 seedlings, small plants all indoors and I want to try and attack the aphids in an enclosed area before I get them outside, may as well give it a go!!! The Neem I been using hasn't done much.
SeeYouJimmy said:
Don't do it man. Think of the cane toads.... ;)

LOLOLOLOL! ( and the rabbits!)

So would you lads not recommend this 'neem oil' stuff at all? So many posts rave about it and others claim it's a waste of time....most confusing! ;)
I also question the validity of an airborne attack. What stops the attackers from simply flying off?
I use a combination of wasps(calcid I think they are called),ladybugs, green lacewings and mantis.

Ladybugs do good in the spring and fall when it's cooler.
They get so thick there will be several adults and larva on each plant.
When it gets hot they dissapear until fall.

The mantis are around all summer (but they eat anything including ladybugs and lacewings...)

Wasps you get from plants at the nursery,they are really expensive to buy.
Find a plant with aphid mummies on it at the nursery and take it home.
They die when it gets hot.Great year round inside.

Lacewings are better than anything else.
They don't wander like lady bugs.

But you can't have ants.Ants love Lacewing eggs.

Like lady bugs,they have to eat pollen to lay eggs.You can google a home made substitute or buy the food online.

A place that raises and sells bio bug control is close by so I just go there when I need something.Tip Top Bio controls in woodland hills CA.

It took 2 years to get a resident population.

These bennificials seem to take turns being dominant in the garden.

First are the Mantis hatching early spring,then the ladybugs after that the lacewings.
The wasps are around inside year round but die once the weather gets over 80 outside.

Right now the Mantis are getting ready to make egg cases and are pairing up(during the year they are territorial and would kill each other over territory) and the ladybugs and lacewings are all over the place.

Wasps are inside until it cools then I'll put a couple plants outside with mummies on them for my winter crop.

I never had any luck with soaps or neam.
DE and Boric Acid powders work great on the ground around my pots for other bugs.
I use Caterpillar Killer for moths and butterfly caterpillars.
Only bug I have real problems with is Japanese beatle larva and leaf miners.
I'm trying Nematodes for the beatle larva/grubs.
Caterpillar Killer is supposed to do in the leaf miners that are from moths but some leaf miners are from a beatle and it won't work.
Hopefully the mantis will get a taste for beatles instead of lacewing and ladybug larva.

I also see a few syrphid fly larva cruising around that might have come from the nursery on a plant-greenhouse growers use them.
They look like a cabbage moth caterpillar but are brown and have a pointed head with feelers.
They look like they only have 2 back legs.
Travel faster scouting out aphids on top and under leaves.Make cacoons on top of leaves,not hanging like butterflies etc.

Syrphid larva(mine are brown)


My flies are silver and black rather than yellow and black.There are a bunch of different kinds...




Eggs like I get


green lacewing


Ladybug-eggs,larva etc.

if the bugs fail a few hits of Pyrethium usually mellow them out. I don't mind using Pyrethium and I'm pretty certain its still classed as an organic approved pesticide. I've been lucky so far no sign of aphids they are such shits when they get in Green houses.