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harvesting My Small Harvest-Seven Pot seeds available

I didn't know we were having a card game and mine went out with the recycles weeks ago.

Check your PM when you get a chance
Thanks Sheldon, seeds are arrived today. Have put the powder on the fish i am cooking tonight for dinner. Cards i have are a black joker and the 7 of hearts.
Prairie, thx for the seeds. They arrived Saturday, and yes, I tasted a little of that 7 pod powder, and it lit me up...tongue was burning for about an hour afterwards. I am really tempted to start one or two plants right now, to get a real head start for 2009, but am currently having a little bit of a white fly problem right now with my over-wintered plants and would like to try to clear up the bug problem first. I even had my male cat climb up into one of my 19 gallon containers, containing one of my 3 bhut jolokias, and peed in the container like it was a litter box. Anybody have any idea how to eradicate the white flies, other than using some sort of insecticidal soap stuff, and does anyone know if I am going to lose that plant that the cat peed in?? It is not looking too good now.
superdv1 said:
Prairie, thx for the seeds. They arrived Saturday, and yes, I tasted a little of that 7 pod powder, and it lit me up...tongue was burning for about an hour afterwards. I am really tempted to start one or two plants right now, to get a real head start for 2009, but am currently having a little bit of a white fly problem right now with my over-wintered plants and would like to try to clear up the bug problem first. I even had my male cat climb up into one of my 19 gallon containers, containing one of my 3 bhut jolokias, and peed in the container like it was a litter box. Anybody have any idea how to eradicate the white flies, other than using some sort of insecticidal soap stuff, and does anyone know if I am going to lose that plant that the cat peed in?? It is not looking too good now.

I know from experience that cat piss kills grass - high urea, uric acid - so maybe add something alkaline quick? Just got my cat neutered and the house is smelling better already.:rolleyes:
superdv1 said:
Prairie, thx for the seeds. They arrived Saturday, and yes, I tasted a little of that 7 pod powder, and it lit me up...tongue was burning for about an hour afterwards. I am really tempted to start one or two plants right now, to get a real head start for 2009, but am currently having a little bit of a white fly problem right now with my over-wintered plants and would like to try to clear up the bug problem first. I even had my male cat climb up into one of my 19 gallon containers, containing one of my 3 bhut jolokias, and peed in the container like it was a litter box. Anybody have any idea how to eradicate the white flies, other than using some sort of insecticidal soap stuff, and does anyone know if I am going to lose that plant that the cat peed in?? It is not looking too good now.

You are very welcome dv1! Good luck with the germination. Sorry to hear about the troubles you are having. I don't have any pets so I don't have to worry about such things. Last time I had plants indoors over the Winter I had bug problems galore. The wife was none too happy about it. So far I haven't had any bugs but I am keeping a close watch.

Thanks for letting me know that you received the seeds. Next year we'll all be sharing pictures of our seven pot peppers. :)

bigt said:
I know from experience that cat piss kills grass - high urea, uric acid - so maybe add something alkaline quick? Just got my cat neutered and the house is smelling better already.


How does "Bob-Barkering" your cat stop it from pissing?
PrairieChilihead said:

How does "Bob-Barkering" your cat stop it from pissing?

LOL - well, it didn't stop him from pissing, but he now uses the litter box instead of any and all objects lying around. He pissed on my calculator, some CD's, some fairly important documents I had on the couch - etc, etc. It got old! I learned my lesson, if you're going to have a cat, get it fixed. Everybody's happier including the cat when the pain wears off. :P