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My thai red pepper plant

I don't know if this is the image you were trying to post but here goes...


Also, check your camera options for a flower. That is Macro and allows you to take pictures at short distances. It may also be a setting on a dial or a button depending on your camera.

Thanks for the repost of the pic. I had to use an iPhone for photo. No flower:(
I'm not sure how big they get. Will they turn red on the plant or do I need to pull it?
I had to snip my peppers off and put them in a paper bag. Could be because its the middle of the winter, my plants are indoors, and I more than likely water them too much. I heard someone say that easing up on the watering, simulating autumn(?) could help them turn. Better to ask someone here like AlabamaJack about that. I'm new to this just like you.
This will be the last update on this, my first pepper plant I ever grew, because I'm planing on pruning it down for spring to facilitate sideways growth. This plant I grew from a seed and it grew to @ 110 cm :woohoo: :

wow..im growing these for the first time here in ohio. now that i see how tall and skinny they are, I am a bit worried about putting them outside in the garden. The winds we get here would break that off in a heartbeat.
wow..im growing these for the first time here in ohio. now that i see how tall and skinny they are, I am a bit worried about putting them outside in the garden. The winds we get here would break that off in a heartbeat.
I have severely pruned the one in the last pic down to start anew in Spring. It was much fuller than that if you begin at the start of the thread. You can see how stout the stem is here and that I have a stick in the dirt to help it:


You can use steel bars, if you choose, to anchor them if you're growing them outdoors.
DOT, THAT'S AWESOME! How long did it take for the pepper to turn red? I mean from the time it sprouted. Seems like it's been a month or two.
DOT, THAT'S AWESOME! How long did it take for the pepper to turn red? I mean from the time it sprouted. Seems like it's been a month or two.
It's been a long time. I think its a seasonal thing because I took @ 30 green pods off that weren't turning red then, all of a dudden, 2 weeks ago I had that one turn red. Last week I had another one turn red. Then ystrdy I had two more start to turn. I'm thinking that its got to be related to the time of year because I haven't done anything differently than I've ever done. This plant is on the older side too. I started growing it from seed last summer :eek: