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Tried my hand at doing Mexican for the first time ever and ended up with this.... 
The foundation and some homemade guacamole. I got NFI what guacamole is supposed to taste like, never done it before....it ended up tasting flat, like it was missing something.I noticed some recipes include Tabasco. So I added a good dash of Tabasco and a fair whack of lime juice and it perked it up nicely. 

Beef, Kidney Beans, chopped onion, crushed tomatoes and a decent helping of Cumin, Coriander, Cayenne pepper and Chilli flakes simmering away


uber splooge

This is how far  I got before throwing in the towel

That's my dinner for the rest of the month taken care of!   :D 
As we all know, Mexican food kicks ass, and thus this can be the official nacho thread. Show us your wizardry! 
My first attempt to make something with nachos... With lowest budget possible and fastest speed.
Bought that and went to a friend home:

I could buy mexican stuff... I bought some italian low quality stuff to spend less than half.
For meat/tomato/random spices i had ragù bolognese Barilla, and that has been a good reminder on why not buy prepared ragù... The salt factor was wrong. Like it was salted just on external and not on internal, not amalgamated, if that makes sense...
Jalapenos are impossible to find so i used just a yellow bell pepper, and that is trusty.
Beans... Lamon beans. For sure tin can doesn't speak about high quality... Lamon beans are very higly regarded btw.
No queso/cheddar (not that i could find them, maybe a sauce quesolike)... Gouda and the cheapest cream.
Heat: some random annuum flakes.
So. Heat ragù with fire and hot pepper, Melt gouda in cream. I was amazed that it actually was smooth since i just hoped it works.

I used also a bit of milk to make the cheese sauce more liquid.

When cheese cream was smooth i added diced yellow bell pepper.


That was decent. Could even be good if i had used real meat, real tomato and not that crappy ragù.
Nice Essegi! (for an Italiano! LOL)
(I hope that's not offensive).
"Nachos" are something you make...
Tortilla chips are to Nachos as Pasta is to Lasagne.
I love the trick with the Gouda and milk. I must have this.
'cept I would add beer too.
Liquid European beer queso. does that cross to many boundries? :rofl: 
Thanks Scovie (also no offence not only because that is not our stuff but also above thing had an high percentage of crappiness, if only for that ragù)!
Thnaks above al for the clarification. I've always wondered wtf is the difference between nachos and tortillas.
Gouda and cream was good with bell pepper. I've to tune that btw, next try (good but a bit lacking in something) with Asiago and maybe grated pecorino.
Btw later i went to a place, i've drunk a beer with 6 cereals types: my friend disliked it, i liked.:p
I'm definetly making again that with more effort!
Good first attempt, Essi. A true Italian spin with the Ragu and white queso.

Nachos are not really about making them as crappy as possible. But yes, they are usually made with leftovers (meats, etc.) when feeling lazy.
Dump tortilla chips on baking sheet. Dump leftover stuff on top of chips and top with shredded cheese. Toast in oven. Add salsa. Eat.

Sour cream is optional.
Thanks Sum. It's just that yesterday i had no time and not will to have expenses.
Toady i've put more effort.
At some point i wanted to make some corn nachos tortellini in a carbonara way. Then i saw a chicken leftover and i went for a more traditional thing (still new for me):

Before i prepare a dough ball with half of a pound of corn flour, half pound of water and a tsp of salt.
I've boiled a red onion with carrot and celery, spiced with red moruga powder, a turkish 4 type pepper powder, white and black pepper, turmeric, cilantro seeds, cumin...
Added shredded chicken steak and some ham, then a bit of passata, beans, an italian hot sauce (with some vinegar). Slow cooking. Really not bad at all.

Then i made that corn tortilla, cut and cooked in a pan.
Maybe i've used a too raw flour because it broke too easily.
This is the result:

Assembled in 2 floors of tortilla and stew (i'd call stew the meat vegetable stuff). Topped with 2 types of young Asiago, some lerdamer, gorgonzola and a kraft single (why not lol?). Put on oven to melt cheese, then used a balsamic vinegar ketchup on some slices:




Good but i'm not satisfied of tortillas, there was something wrong. A bit of gorgonzola is great here btw.
jajaja. SG, you are gourmeting nachos! I like it, but they don't really work as nachos yet.
The homemade tortilla chips, in this case, look like really thin polenta triangles. 

I'm thinking the corn flour you are using is too coarse of a grind for this, but I'm no tortilla chip making expert.
Thanks Sum, you got it right... The grains of that flour are clearly visible. Nachos weren't really crispy. And i don't like the taste of overcooked (hard to explain... Like kneading bread and cooking on a press... Taste is just wrong... And here was wrong in the same way).. Opposite of that overcooked polenta, if not burnt, is one of the best thing, but polenta must be grilled. Maybe one day i retry... If i am doing that again shortly i'll use bought tortillas (lol also cooking that stuff smells!).
SumOfMyBits said:
jajaja. SG, you are gourmeting nachos! I like it, but they don't really work as nachos yet.
The homemade tortilla chips, in this case, look like really thin polenta triangles. 

I'm thinking the corn flour you are using is too coarse of a grind for this, but I'm no tortilla chip making expert.
before I read anything, that is exactly what I thought they were , triangles of  polenta brustolada.  Italian nachos which I thought was  genius!    could definitely still work, I am going to steal this idea ,  top em with spezzatino and taleggio.    
Looking forward to your creation Ashen! :D
Above stuff (i ate half) didn't satiate me... So i redo with a difference: cooking tortillas on oven, then again fry on pan:


I opened a new sack that is of another brand and that time it was better to handle.
Assembled with Asiago, grated Grana Padano and Douglah miniflakes:

That time they were really crunchy.
Not bad, but grilled polenta remnants are on another planet.
Next step should be apply that for some pizza crust to emulate frying pizza, if well done this should be great. Maybe next time i make some dough...
Esegi! you can get mexican sauce like bottled... you should use salsa portuguesa and add some drops of tabasco or other spicy... Walla, you have mexican sauce.
Getting drug kicking and screaming to some stupid a$$ party tonight that doesnt start till ten. WTF? Are we vampires :rolleyes:  Bored and need to stay half way sober so i can even make it till that late. Stuffing my belly with nachos because my sweet wife burned the H, E double hockey sticks out of some pork chops. I wont get into why she burned them,ofcourse it wasnt her fault, :rofl:
This is the kind of party where im sure some jerk off will pull a guitar out by the fire and not even know how to tune his guitar let alone play it,lol. Oh well gotta make momma happy.