ROFLHO Oh theres a fella at my work said that there is no pepper he can't eat and I said yes there is. He said that he could he habs all day and I said good but you won't be able to eat this one I have growing. He said bring it on so I did him a favor I warned him for a week do not eat the whole thing just a lil bit to see what it was like. Well today I had a ripe one and gave it to him with another friend to witness what I told him. Now take a lil bite and see how hot it really is. He said, I eat the whole thing I hollared you wanna die!!!!! Don't do it just a lil bite well the dip whip took about a 3 rd of it and looked at me, and said thats not hot................then he gets this grimice look on his face and he allowed the charcoal to ignite and ...........said in a faint voice you win..... I said I didn't win I just showed you that be careful and nooooooooooo listen to your elders and they won't lead you wrong...............His section chief came over and asked him why he was crying and he told him what happened and he told the ole boy don't open your mouth again will ya. I felt sorry but then I kept warning him I just wished I had a videio of it it was wild never saw a change so fast