• Everything other than hot peppers. Questions, discussion, and grow logs. Cannabis grow pics are only allowed when posted from a legal juridstiction.

Nan's Trying it Again 2019 Veggie Garden

My dear departed mother-in-law had deer in her back yard near downtown Harrisburg. This happened just about every night. One regular visitor was a rather substantial buck.
DWB said:
My dear departed mother-in-law had deer in her back yard near downtown Harrisburg. This happened just about every night. One regular visitor was a rather substantial buck.
Here's a suitor who shows up in our neighbor's back yard on a regular basis. We call him "Handsome."

Well, here's the progress so far.




We're looking at 46°F right now, and lows of 44 for the next three nights, so NOTHING is going in the ground. I'm getting tired of dragging everything in and out of the house, so a double-layer of Agribon is on the Garden Gem tomato and what peppers wouldn't fit into the mini-greenhouse with the tomatoes. The tender herbs and flowers are inside the house, too. It's been raining all day, and should most of tomorrow, too, but that is a good thing, as it will help moderate temperature fluctuations. One of these days I am going to have to get these plants in the ground, though.

I should keep my mouth shut, because if this year is anything like the last 5, spring's over and it will be full blown summer in 2 weeks.
Hang in there!  I just got through weeks of lugging plants in and out and hopefully you'll be through it soon too.  Looking forward to seeing you get moved into your new garden.  And with luck you'll have a little friendly spring weather for plant-out.
nmlarson said:
Well, here's the progress so far.




We're looking at 46°F right now, and lows of 44 for the next three nights, so NOTHING is going in the ground. I'm getting tired of dragging everything in and out of the house, so a double-layer of Agribon is on the Garden Gem tomato and what peppers wouldn't fit into the mini-greenhouse with the tomatoes. The tender herbs and flowers are inside the house, too. It's been raining all day, and should most of tomorrow, too, but that is a good thing, as it will help moderate temperature fluctuations. One of these days I am going to have to get these plants in the ground, though.

I should keep my mouth shut, because if this year is anything like the last 5, spring's over and it will be full blown summer in 2 weeks.
i`m in the same boat as you with the weather. just a little northeast from you and it sprinkled literally all day with a high temp of 44. i have everything planted out already so i`m hoping the peppers bounce back. it has been overcast and rainy since i planted 3 weeks ago. looks like it will be almost into june to get up around the 70`s. so much for global warming. 
One more night of this, a couple of days to get them hardened to the sunlight, then it's sink or swim.... They are getting planted!

These stats are as of 9:15 AM this morning, May 14.

So sorry about your weather up there y'all.
Just thinking of a high of 44° and drizzle all day makes me want to stay in bed all day with my head under the covers.
Time for an update!
We've had a great run of nice weather for a few days, and I was finally able to play in the dirt! Someone threw the switch and it's summer here.
All the tomatoes are finally tucked away, except for the Garden Gem on the deck. Whiteflies have discovered it, so it will get a couple of Neem treatments before it joins the others. I still need to locate cages for the last 3 tomatoes. Sigh. Every year I say I will grow fewer plants and I still have 9 plants. Still, that's down from the even dozen I wanted to grow last year.  I found a Paul Robeson at the Herb Faire (YAY...my all time fav slicer) and picked up a "Juliette" last Thursday as a backup saladette, just in case the Garden Gem doesn't make it. I took some suckers to root, just to be on the safe side.   ;)   Here's the side with most of the tomatoes.......
tomato side.jpg

I ran out of dirt after getting the Aleppos and the Piment d'Espelette in the ground. When I figure out how much more I will need for the rest of the peppers, cukes and herbs, those Christmas gift cards will be put to good use.   And, here's the side with most of the peppers....
pepper side.jpg

Last Thursday a girlfriend, my sister, and I made a day of it visiting 7 greenhouses in Amish country. I swear your dollar will go three times as far there and get you healthier plants, to boot! My purchases included the balance of the herbs I was looking for, along with some experimental perennials. Experimenting whether or not the deer will eat them!  They include a pretty pink Astilbe, and red and blue salvias and some Monarda (bee balm) for the hummers. 
Then, yesterday, a garden friend and neighbor calls and says, "Do you need any tomato cages?  I have four tall folding cages and two short ones."  Talk about timing!  The tall cages complete the tomatoes and I'll use the shorter ones on the eggplants, which I ended up buying Thursday, as my Amadeo never popped.  Until this morning.  Now I have 7 eggplant plants.  And, fortunately, a nephew who is a vegetarian and getting all my extra peppers and tomatoes, too.  Am I the only one who has a problem culling?
Fast forward to today, Tuesday, and I've gone through 2 more bales of growing medium, and all the peppers, except two, are planted, but their  pots have been filled.  They are the NuMex Sauve Orange pepper plants I started last year and I found whiteflies on them, too, so they, also, are in quarantine.  Most of the herbs are still waiting for dirt and I still need to put some support in those last peppers planted.  The crucifix-looking trellis I cobbled together just isn't going to cut it.  The pole beans are in, but I need to wait to get the cucumbers planted.  The gas company decided they need to replace the wifi transmitter on our meter and guess where it is.  Yep.
gas meter.jpg

Right behind the cucumbers.  Fortunately, it's fairly low to the ground, so if I need to cut the deer fence, it can be easily, and discretely, repaired.
Ready for a tour?
At least you are moved in. Weather never seems to cooperate (except for those who live in a perfect climate). I thought I was all set except my plants were not hardened off well enough for the 90 degree days we had. Now it's 60 degrees and raining. With night temps in the 40s. Hopefully I'll have survivors. Your garden looks great, but the poor deer are hungry
CaneDog said:
Looking good Nan!  Nice to see you moved into the new digs!
Thanks! It's been a lot of work planning, doing the drawings, getting all the parts, and all the labor involved putting it in place. Slowly, but surely, it's getting there! The more the season progresses, the more I believe I made a good decision going with containers, specifically, Root Pouches. The weather has only cooperated a few days. We are still waiting for the landscapers to mulch. It was supposed to be finished a month ago, but they were to spray for weeds first and haven't done that yet. My husband and I hung tarps around the enclosure today, now that there are plants growing. I am NOT going through THAT again.
Mr.joe said:
At least you are moved in. Weather never seems to cooperate (except for those who live in a perfect climate). I thought I was all set except my plants were not hardened off well enough for the 90 degree days we had. Now it's 60 degrees and raining. With night temps in the 40s. Hopefully I'll have survivors. Your garden looks great, but the poor deer are hungry
Here's hoping your plants were hardened and protected adequately to pull through!
Waiting for the rains to stop so I can get in there and get a good Neem treatment on the peppers. I've been seeing a few whiteflies and would like to get them under control, but it keeps raining! We've had more days of rain last month than any month on record. It looks like I will be able to get it in one evening this week.

My husband hung tarps on one side of the enclosure, as we're still waiting on the landscapers to get here for weed control and mulch. I'm uncomfortable with them hanging down in this wet weather, so have been clamping the bottoms up to increase air flow.

In the mean time, here's a shot of handsome Paul Robeson! That's quite a tomato flower!

Here are the biquinhos, Mad Hatters, Gypsy, & the spots I'm holding for the 2 NuMex Suave Orange that brought in the whiteflies from Florida. Also, the Inca Red Drop. The more time that passes, the happier I am with the decision to go with fabric root pouches. (Knock wood.) All this rain has not been holding up gardening for me this year, nor have the peppers seem to be suffering from it.





