Yea, that's my ship. We were about to leave port when it happened. One of the GM's was doing maintenance on a 240 on the bridge wing, and somehow rounds were fired. I was sitting in the wardroom drinking coffee waiting for them to station the Sea and Anchor detail for leaving port when I heard the ATWO (anti-terrorism watch officer) pass the word that rounds were fired. The first thing I asked someone was "uhh...we're not doing drills right now are we?" Crappy deal.. our departure was delayed while investigators came onboard to piece it all together.
These Ruskies put it best.

There is no facepalm smiley.
Not really sure what the final outcome was for the parties responsible. I'm in Operations, so I don't get the inside scoop on all of the Weapons Department happenings.
Luckily nobody was hurt.