chilliman64 said:we are not worthy
Now thats the right attitude. Put your brown shirt on & get some marshmallows...later tonight we're going to have a good old fashioned book burning & sing along.
chilliman64 said:we are not worthy
chilliman64 said:lucky for us mortals you didn't get invisibility or x-ray vision or super strength or the ability to fly (etc) otherwise we'd be in some serious trouble!
chilliman64 said:now remember lads, there'll be no smoking chiles in the corridors or chopping up lines of chile powder in the toilets, and definitely no mainlining chile juice! you have to set a good example to the other chileheads.
bentalphanerd said:Talking about setting an example - I didn't see the words "Sir" or "Omnipotent" in there at all, did you DD?
ABurningMouth said:I'm down with that public burning and sing along.