Need Moderators

good to see this new power of yours hasn't gone to your head. lucky for us mortals you didn't get invisibility or x-ray vision or super strength or the ability to fly (etc) otherwise we'd be in some serious trouble! :lol:
chilliman64 said:
lucky for us mortals you didn't get invisibility or x-ray vision or super strength or the ability to fly (etc) otherwise we'd be in some serious trouble! :lol:

Where did you hear these plans, they are top secret & lies I tell you, all lies.
chilliman64 said:
now remember lads, there'll be no smoking chiles in the corridors or chopping up lines of chile powder in the toilets, and definitely no mainlining chile juice! you have to set a good example to the other chileheads.

Bu...bu...but I thought that *was* setting a good example for all the other chileheads?
bentalphanerd said:
Talking about setting an example - I didn't see the words "Sir" or "Omnipotent" in there at all, did you DD? I did not. Now....where's that "Ban Account" button..........?
Since DD left there is a spot open, anyone interested send a PM. Keep in mind we may not be adding anyone right away, as things are running pretty smoothly, but we get busier each day, so...