Need Your Vote!

Thanks again "everyone" it does me good to see such support, I don't really have the words to properly convey the feeling.  The promo on the ballot sure seems suspicious, must be bought and paid for.  The publication itself is advertisement heavy, but still, that seems a bit much for a contest. But hey, "not my monkey, not my zoo." 
Ashen,   :rofl:          Oh man that's great! I've been a "write-in" candidate for many political offices over the years (thanks to some knucklehead buddies) President, Governor, Mayor, school board etc...  but never a vote for that one!!!  
Thanks again so much everyone! You couldn't wipe the smile from my face tonight if you tried  ;)  Just seeing the response here, I've won already. Don't think any other contestants could possibly have such a broader reaching vote!  Anything else that may come positive from this endeavor would be icing on the cake.
I sincerely appreciate it, one and all. 
Not sure how it works, maybe I get an email telling me I made the ballot? Phone call? Don't know.  Guess I will find out in a couple days. Whatever becomes, I will share it here.
Thank you guys/gals for jumping in. Many here I consider friends, and the rest I'd say are friends just the same, just yet haven't had the pleasure to make acquaintance!
Pepper People are the Best!
Cheers!  :cheers:
Well, almost midnight on the last day. Not a "peep" so far, no email, phone call, "thank you," "fu*k you" or anything....nada.
I promised report. Such as it stands now.
Impatient perhaps, but I keep my word regardless.    :cheers:
Regardless of what becomes "this time" I will be more educated the "next time." Then, I will draw upon this massive army of chiliheads and really blow their fu*king minds!! "Local" I am. But, worldwide!
Let 'em put that into their pipes and smoke it!  ;)
Thanks again one and all!
But, perhaps I am calling it early. Maybe the "fat lady" hasn't sung....  You will know when I do.  :cheers:
WE MADE THE BALLOT!!! woo hoo  :woohoo:  Popsicle dude is going down  :metal:  Thanks in no small part to those here who voted  :cheers: !
Just got an email and here is a small snippet (will beat the drums hard come Valentine's Day!)  Thanks again guys/gals!!!!!!
[SIZE=12pt]Hello...and congratulations! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]I'm reaching out because you were nominated as a finalist in the Charleston City Paper's 2020 Best of Charleston (BOC) Reader's Poll.  Making it through to the finalist stage is a big win on its own![/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Please feel free to give me a call to discuss this email--and here's the scoop:[/SIZE]
[SIZE=12pt]Now in our 22nd year, BOC is Charleston's original and most prestigious reader's poll. VOTING will be Feb 14- March 6th .[/SIZE]
:dance:  Warrant Man 