New hibrids are ripe¡¡¡

Damn this will be interesting to follow.Do these originate from the bikini atolls? lol Neat looking peppers though.have a great one and good harvest.Can`t wait to see more pics.
Very interested in your progress I have certainly thought of attempting certain genetic modifications but nothing on this level. Sounds very interesting! make sure you keep us all updated Yanick.
Wow, those peppers have really nice colors. Also, do the seeds grow?

Also, i've linked this website that explains food irradiation. It is from the australian government.

Now, I wonder if you can do this in your microwave somehow... should be interesting

Will be a excelent name:


Diabolus said:
This sounds really fascinating although I doubt these will ever be classified as "organic". LOL.

Pshhh! Organic is so subjective nowadays:lol:

Technically, they could be considered organic if he didn't use chemical fertilizers. When food is irradiated, it doesn't touch the source so there is no Cobalt-60 on the peppers (Thankfully!).

Also, Irradiating food only genetically modifies it by unwinding the dna helicesand messing up the order of the bases
Here in Mexico is not really difficult to get acces a cobalt 60 source, you only must find an private oncology clinic and rent a session, a physique calculates the dose that you solicit to him, probably in the USA I¨ll be in the jail now or an a mental clinic (manicomio), but he is much more easy everything here.


I hope you don't look like your avatar after eating those beasts...;)
I like the variety of shapes on that plant. And red and brown on the same pod? Far out.
I love new varities. Can I be your friend? I want.
Mucho Gusto Vato.
Awesome pics Yanick. I'm very interested in this experiment you have going and I wish you the best of luck.

Be sure to keep us posted with updates!
Interestin that the IncredibleHulk-rays give hotter peppers. Better tasting too?

And the radiation only affects the heat and the taste? If I only had some BS-rays for my 7pods with three cotydelons, that would absolutelly give me the huge crops of the best tasting hottest peppers! No risk of other mutations. Or cancer.
Are 20 hybrid plants, the half are: jolokia (caribbean red x chocolate / mutant) and (caribbean red x chocolate / mutant) x jolokia. (last photos) Are not the same.

In the mutations as in the genetics the beautiful thing it is that really does not know that you get at the end, only is selected the wished caracteristics and rejecting those not wished.

"the hybridisation have to be considered an beautiful art".

They are unstable genetically like variety at this moment, exist 3 general variaritions:

1. the first group with a color purple like an habanero chocolate at the begining. (as the last photos).

2. a group with a caribbean red caracteristics

3. and the third similar a jolokia, but a long form.

The line with that I am going to follow is first, since it has the typical of all practically, its flavor is really very intense and strong, and the sharp thing is truly unreal.

I haven´t offered seeds yet; because they are unstable genetically at this moment surely they return to the typical caracteristics of the parents. and my objective is a new world-wide record. as soon I have my world-wide title I will begin to offer seeds.

Hello Yanick
I also am very interested in Genetics and inheritance, but I know very well about Parrots, I do not know of the characteristics of inheritance with Chilli, ie what is dominant, co-dominant and recessive in certain chilli species etc etc, when crossing certain types..... could you or anyone suggest some good reading about plant breeding?