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pics New pics after a few days in real sun

well I started introducing my plants to real sunlight to get them ready for when they stay out.I took a couple of pics after they had been out. While I know a few plants have some issues(leaf discoloration some curl and some leggyness which I am trying to remedy)some are doing pretty good IMO :lol: feel free to critize away and any of my wrong doings (remember I AM a rookie so I dont mind could always use help):)
oh btw i gave them a light mist of h20 just before I took the pics


you must be proud..great healthy plants there and looks like the sun has helped..strangely we had our first decent day of spring yesterday with full sun and my plants have picked up and are looking better for it..have a great growing year..all the best:)
Hey Tom, the peppers look great, mine also have started to look better after a couple days of sunshine. I even left them out all night last night but will bring them in tonight and they won't go out again for awhile.

Well Dang it
just saw the up coming weeks forecast and it looks like 1 or maybe 2 days of outside enjoyment for my plants then back to chilly weather. Dang it and I just looked at the top of my Bolivian Rainbow(with a magnifier) and I think I see some flower buds starting grrrrrr dang michigan weather :(
I've been getting good sunshine for a few weeks now and the plants sure love it, and I'm loving the warm nights and no fuel bill.:)

Your plants look great. I've had five outside - the longest for a week now, with mixed results. Today, a couple started wilting a bit. I don't think it was the heat or sun, they are in the back of the house which doesn't get near as much light. I'm thinking perhaps it was a lack of water or perhaps they are just starting to grow.

Alas, like you, we'll be getting some much colder weather after Sunday - lows in the upper 30s, so I'm sure they will have to come back in. I wish May 15 would get here!

Thanks for the compliment. It looks like my plants will be coming back inside too its really gonna get cold here too (cold i meant 50's for highs 30's for lows):lol:
wordwiz said:
Today, a couple started wilting a bit. I don't think it was the heat or sun, they are in the back of the house which doesn't get near as much light. I'm thinking perhaps it was a lack of water or perhaps they are just starting to grow.

They don't have the root system for the real world yet. It was the heat and sun. No matter how much you water they won't be able to keep up with moisture demands until they get real roots
ABurningMouth said:
They don't have the root system for the real world yet. It was the heat and sun. No matter how much you water they won't be able to keep up with moisture demands until they get real roots

ty for the advise ABM I know you were giving Mike advise but its good that you pointed it out because I am new to growing
and I will heed the advise. plus its still 3 or 4 weeks off for me to even consider moving em outside for the rest of the season. I also check the cups to see if i can see roots and while I can see a few here an there not alot to transplant yet
ty for the tip