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pics New to the forum- Here are some pics.

thepodpiper said:
Very nice plants and setup twang and welcome from Michigan. What type of peppers are those in the center of the first pic? Those two peppers are monsters.


I think those were Big Jim, The biggest I got was around 9-10 inches;) I did bump my head on them every time I went in there though:lol:
Sorry for chiming in so late. Your plants look great.
What is this pepper? It reminds me of Black Pearl, but with pointier pods.
Looking good so far Twang! Im new here too, love the hoop-house! I built a nice lil project green house recently and I can tell things are about to get interesting!:lol:
Grow on Brother!:cool:
ABurningMouth said:
Sorry for chiming in so late. Your plants look great.
What is this pepper? It reminds me of Black Pearl, but with pointier pods.

That one is Black Prince, I also grew black pearl last year which tasted better. Im not growing either of them this season.