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seeds New way to soak to seeds....

I dont know if I should post this here, but It made me laugh so hard I was in tears.

A friend of mine called me earlier to ask me if he should soak his naga seeds that I just gave him , now he has grown chiles before and is a chilihead but he has not grown bhuts or nagas. So as a joke (we always mess with each other) I told him the best way to get them started is put them in mouth an swish them around in his mouth and coat them with saliva, now I said this to just be a smart ass, expecting him to say yeah whatever.. and not actually do it, so once I realized he didnt think I was joking I just ran with it by explaining that saliva stimulated the seed into thinking that it was digested by a bird and would speed up the germination process. I kept asking myself if I should tell him I was joking , however I decided to leave that up to his own common sense. and guess what common sense failed! lol

I just got a call 15mins ago from him,he popped about 30 seeds in mouth and hes not a happy camper, and I am sure to expect a payback that will be equally as epic.
I know Im gonna go to hell for this one :)
(and btw these seeds came from a fresh pod that was de-seeded a few days ago)

-Rich (WickedMojo)
:rofl: I believe that people get what they deserve. If you wanna put 30 superhot seeds in your mouth...go for it. At leat now he's got some idea of the heat level of the fruit.
Deathtosnails said:
:rofl: I believe that people get what they deserve. If you wanna put 30 superhot seeds in your mouth...go for it. At leat now he's got some idea of the heat level of the fruit.

Thats exactley what I was thinking lol, I atleast figured he try it out with 1 or 2 didnt think he'd put all in. however I know he has a high tolerance for hots, he has chowed down on some mighty hot food with me, I wouldnt have done this to a non-chilehead or someone that I know couldnt handle it

*also this guy once spiked my habanero hot wings with extract and didnt tell me.
:rofl::rofl: Oh that is TOO FUNNY! Nice to start the day with a laugh!

muahahaha freakin brilliant
you mean thats NOT the way you do it?....and here all along....
Thats exactley what I was thinking lol, I atleast figured he try it out with 1 or 2 didnt think he'd put all in. however I know he has a high tolerance for hots, he has chowed down on some mighty hot food with me, I wouldnt have done this to a non-chilehead or someone that I know couldnt handle it

*also this guy once spiked my habanero hot wings with extract and didnt tell me.

See; what goes around does come around. BINGO!!! :rofl: :rofl: :woohoo:
A buddy of mine put 1 seed in his mouth from a fresh Brain Strain 7 Pod. He was hurting for a half hour. I can only imagine what 30 Naga seeds would do. Yes, payback will be a bitch.