• Blog your pepper progress. The first image in your first post will be used to represent your Glog.

Nightshades Grow(New wilds)

In vegas if you have a greenhouse you can keep stuff going for a while so I am starting my grow right now don't mistake it as we don't have winter because we do quite cold actually snows a couple times a year sometimes hails. Anyways it is time to get this thing rolling I will bring you along through the heartbreak and struggles also through the success. About 99% of my grow will be wilds so it should be quite interesting some of this is full grown others need to be sowed. Well here's the list more will be added as they come to me. Will upload some pictures tomorrow raining and dark right now

Capsicum Flexuosum
Capsicum Flexuosum (S2)
Capsicum Tovarii
Capsicum Cardenasii (true)
Capsicum Galapagoense
Capsicum Parvifolium
Capsicum Rhomboideum
Capsicum chacoense
Guampinha De Veado
Chiltepin Amarillo
Chiltepin Sonoran
Chiltepin nursery plant
Chiltepin El guapo brand
Chiltepin "pima bajo"
Chiltepin "desert gatherings brand"
St Lucia Birdseye
Cumari Pollux
Pointed praetermissum
BGH 460
Cap 501
Cap 691
Cap 1144
Cap 215
Cap 539
Cap 1530
CGN 19198
CGN 21502
CGN 24332
CGN 22795
CGN 22794
CGN 20800
CGN 20812
CGN 24360
CGN 22869
CGN 22792
CGN 20510
More will be added

Yellow scorpion
Yellow moruga scorpion
Brown moruga scorpion
Carolina reaper
Fatalii gourmet jigsaw
7pot evergreen
7pot bubblegum
7pot lava
Sepia serpent
Boogeyman f2
Jay's red ghost scorpion
A couple selective breeding projects
Others will be added

Capsicum pubescens "Locoto"
Capsicum pubescens "Canario"
Capsicum pubescens "Ecuadorian red rocoto"
Capsicum pubescens "Vallarta market Dino pods"
Capsicum Pubescens "Rocoto mini brown"
Capsicum Pubescens "Turbo pube"
Capsicum Pubescens "Big apple"
PI 224444
Black cobra
Brazilian starfish
Bishops hat
Purple jalapeño
CGN 22184
CGN 21500
Others will be added

Wild Galapagos
Manx marvel
Black Krim
Large cherry
Macedonian tomato
Slovenian black tomato
Irish tomato
Cuban black
Black seaman
Ethiopian black
Mrs maxwells pink
Polar tomato
Watermelon beefsteak
Bulgarian tomato
Spoon Tomato
Red currant sweet pea
Others will be added

Bonsai projects:
Goji Berry
Miracle fruit

Muskmelon Cucumis melo var. reticulatus
Kiwano melon

Lemon cucumber
Straight eight

Clemson Spineless
Penny said:
Nice to see that I'm converting "some" over to tomatoes... :rofl:  and you's are very welcome for the seeds, enjoy.
Hey wildseed, if you need tomato seeds, just send me a PM and tell me what your looking for. I grew the OSU blue a couple years ago, the taste was ok, I haven't included it in my gardens since, I just found it to be too bland, but some people like that.....so if any of you want to try it, again just let me know. ;)

I don't think I will ever be completely turned over to tomatoes but I do like growing them as an addition to my peppers and I like them a lot I like salsa and tomatoes on sandwiches salad etc etc so I know they will be used. I will grow maybe 10 plants a year I think there will be some real winners in the group you sent me.

wildseed57 said:
Hi Penny I have quite a few seeds of OSU not my favorite taste wise, THe OSUx Make My Day is better being that its a slicing size tomato. I got both of the from a fellow up your way. I have found that in my area you need a bunch of disease resistance to make it all summer here,  not counting the Hord of Spider mites and flea beatles. My favorite Hybrid would have to have VFFFTNNATMV, but since there is no tomato like that, I will just grow my Pineapple, Giant Red Portugal, English Giant, and Mexico then hope for the best.
Nightshade at least you have milder weather in the winter where you can grow or just over winter your plants in the green house, We're under snow here at Below -4 degrees,  so far the wind has not kicked in, I would have to have mine insulated and the heater going all winter If I had one. I used to live a half hour from a zoo and for $20.00 you could get a pickup load of composted Zoo Doo that was really good.  the best time to get it was in the winter time as no one wanted it then,  so you got to get the best pick of what they had I likes the Rhinno and Elephant the best for topping the soil with and the finer compost for mixing in the soil for my seed starter mix. I like well aged Rabbit poop to put around my plants. This year will be a make it or break it year as I have to replace most of the boards for my raised beds which will cost me a arm and leg and I will need a truck load of top soil brought in so,   I have My Spring cut out for me, I'm hoping for a dry March so that I can get the beds done then. I'm really hoping that I don't get sick again, next month is Blood work time, so I'm hoping that they don't find anything this time around, I already owe more than I can ever pay back to the doctors and hospitals along with a bunch of clinics which I'm sure will squeese the juice out of this old turnip.

Yes I'm very fortunate to have a mild winter and that is awful to hear about the bills I hope the best for you George and I am anxious to see what the beds will look like after the remodeling. The zoo manure sounds like it would be a great additive to a garden. I would love to have access to something like that.
I'm going to be getting a ton of compost within the week or so to help ammend my beds for gardening next spring. I will be purchasing it from this business because they produce good compost and help out the enviroment by taking the large amount of waste produced in Nevada every year and turn it into a usable product. http://www.a1organics-nevada.com/index.html

This is the product I will be purchasing. http://www.a1organics-nevada.com/PDF/V-Ecogrochat.pdf I will be amending it more as soon as I have it. Also if anyone has any good info on worms I would appreciate it.

capsicum flexuosum showing off some key features including dark waxy leaves and pubescent stem. so glad its showing signs of more growth.
Good job on the flexsuosum! I hear they're hard to grow, hope it grows healthy for you.

Lmk if you're still going to get some compost. I might go tomorrow anyway because I'm gonna put some in ground at a friend's house and I need to start prepping otherwise time will fly and I won't get to do anything. Lmk.

Spicegeist said:
Lycopersicon cheesmanii?  I grew those last year.  Just a not very sweet little yellow grape-sized tomato.
Solanum cheesmaniae I think they are close relatives cheesmaniae is wild variant

Vegas_Chili said:
Good job on the flexsuosum! I hear they're hard to grow, hope it grows healthy for you.Lmk if you're still going to get some compost. I might go tomorrow anyway because I'm gonna put some in ground at a friend's house and I need to start prepping otherwise time will fly and I won't get to do anything. Lmk.-Walt
I think I'm going to get it next weekend if you end up going over let me know how it is I think they have like 4 different types. Thanks and I am just letting it grow itself I promised my self I wouldn't let myself get all worried about it I just keep telling myself it knows the best way to care for itself it has done it for centuries.
Good luck growing the flexuosum its one that I have on my find list along with lanceolatum and parvifolium which from what I hear takes a long time to germinate and lots of luck. I'll be really happy if my galapagoense shows some sprouts. I know that they take some time to germinate also, I've got some eximium seeds (19198) in a baggy waiting to germinate , I would like to get some true Cardenasii seeds I meant to check at pepperlovers to see if they have some. I got some Blue Mystery seeds that came today I'm excited about them I can't tell by her pictures of its flowers just what it may be but from the photo's I've seen else where they look more like a praetermissum flower so I will wait and see.
She does not have true cardenasii but I might be growing some later this year. No one has grown true parvifolium outside of brazil (as far as I'm aware) the one I have along with the others is a baccatum var. I hate that it was such a big mess up. I will hopefully be growing lanceolatum this year too it is notoriously hard to grow. I'm going to be isolating a lot of stock if all goes well I will be holding a giveaway so watch out for that later this year or early next
I will keep you in mind as I want to at least get the Eximium and cardenasii group covered by at least two or three varieties of each then maybe expand out with with some others.
I have only seen 1 maybe 2 varieties of C. galapagoense floating around I wonder just how many types are there or is there just 1 and I confusing it with some other species? I'm waiting on a tax return which will give me some extra money to buy some much needed supplies. If I can get a few varieties this fall it will get me set up for next years grow which will be mostly wild varieties.
I believe there is only one variant of galapagoense and you are getting confused with the different accession numbers im sure there are some that grow different than others just like rhomboideum some are overly productive in their first year and some wont produce for years. just luck of the draw I imagine always great to grow different ones to compare
Thanks for the heads up on that,  I was confused by some of the photo's taken of it by different people. The different lighting and growing conditions had made it look like a different type.
got more seeds will planting them very soon
capsicum flexuosum (source 2)
rocoto big apple
rocoto turbo pube
rocoto mini brown
spoon tomato
red currant sweet pea
I like what I see plenty of healthy plants, AND you have a greenhouse. Can't beat that!
What do you do as it warms up, grow in pots or dirt?
Do you use a sunshade? They work wonders when it get above the 90's.
Good luck this season!