• We welcome content that is not political, divisive, or offensive. If we feel your content leans this way or has the potential to, it may be removed at any time. A hot pepper forum is not the place for such content. Thank you for respecting the community!

No Mods are on!

Why won't the mods go away so I can type something in here?

I badly need a drink.

I spy some brew from Sprecher's and Mickey Finns.

Guzzle, guzzle, guzzle.

And there is grilled onion, red bell pepper and jalapeno pizza. Thanks for the goodies.
We are all seeing....We never really go away, even when we aren't on line.....We still see you.......Mwuhahahahahaha
I see pipsqueak and steals his beer.

All seeing? So you are the ones messing with my computer and sending me porn or are you the ones deleting it?
All the Aussies are freaking out because they are under a squirrel attack. I must revive them with SUPER BREW!!!

How did these little buggers get to The Land Of Oz?
super brew must have worked as i kicked those squirrels a$$es back to the states... yeeehaaaa....

time to settle in and make myself at home :D
:cracks door and peeks in...all is calm:

:well it was before Mel appeared :rofl: :
They just left this place unguarded . Now I see why. There's no food, booze, tv, internet or couch in here. They've turned it into pippy's dungeon! So until pippy gets here...