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Guess I will have to relocate the traps...two never get thrown and one does but I think the rat has learned to tip it off the rail and after it goes off, eat the bait...

:runs off to find the camo face paint...time to go 'postal' on the bastages..:
Damn those rats. Sure would be a satisfying feeling to take a rat out with a pellet gun. We used to get mice and ground squirrels back in the day, peanut butter, it's all about the peanut butter. Good luck man, I hope you catch them soon.
My dad uses a squirrel trap to get rid of squirrels and a pellet gun for the crows. Im not sure of the legality of his actions but it is justified when the squirrels knock all the bird seed everywhere and the crows scare all the birds away. Anyway my thought would be that you could lay some ground and fence traps...perhaps even poison, then again the poison idea around edible plants may not be the brightest idea huh? Wonder if the Alka seltzer thing would work with this? If they want peppers then maybe empty out a few peppers and fill them with some crushed alka seltzer and see if they will explode :hell:
crazy8 said:
If they want peppers then maybe empty out a few peppers and fill them with some crushed alka seltzer and see if they will explode :hell:

Don't do that. I have no problem with killing animals (I used to breed snakes so I've killed thousands upon thousands of rodents) but don't be cruel. Shot them, kill them in traps or give them real rat poison, don't give them alka seltzer like some hillbilly redneck dropout would do in the trailer park.
Nope, no success yet...am rethinking my approach...
Rats are not dumb. The only weakness they have is they're almost blind. They move along known routes and use their whiskers to feel. AJ if they are running along the edge of the fence, which makes sense as they can feel it as they go then that's where you want to set your traps. If they're running along that bottom railing then keep your traps there.

You could poison the bait too.

Everything I've read on the WWW says to use way more traps than you think. Two to three dozen and saturate the area. Place the traps in the rat area unset for about a week and let the rats become aware and used to them. Then you set all of them and start killin'. Good luck AJ.
thanks for the information all...

I have to get some more traps...

I don't want to use poison because of Roscoe...

Just went for my 7am walkabout and finally had success...

AJ 1 Rats 0
AJ, place a cinder block parallel to your fence with just enough room between for the trap. They like tunnels to run through.
I thought about posting pics but thought it would be inappropriate to post dead vermin pics...

got another one yesterday...

AJ 2 Rats 0