food No Stress Recipe Challenge

I've been working on mine, and.....the verdict is out at this point....

still gonna work it a little more but not having too much hope~ :(
I think I'm having a problem similar to SL's. I used a mortar and pestle on my mustard seeds to crack them and everything... and they're just not absorbing. It TASTES okay, the texture just isn't very appealing. Too gritty.

I added more liquid and cooked the mustard for a bit... and added some more mustard powder and that helped a lot, but I'm still puzzled as to why the seeds didn't absorb at all.

I just went ahead and blended it since I couldn't get the seeds a decent texture and I'm actually really surprised - it's good!

Pics coming soon
the taste of mine just isn't there. At first it tasted bitter, then it mellowed a little, but I still can't get it to blend up smooth.
Photo evidence of mustard, simple as 1-2-3-

1- Soaked the yellow seeds in balsamic vinegar and water, nuked for a few seconds off-and -on to get the heat up and "cook" 'em, let them soak overnight.


stick blender, nothin....

back onto the stove, cooked for a couple hours, add a little water every now and then to keep it from sticking~-

food processor....nada....



tasted bad, pitched it-


I dunno what went wrong on this first attempt at making mustard. Seemed pretty simple.

Didn't have time to do a good google of mustard recipes, but the challenge is still on! If I have time, I'll do some more research to find out what I did wrong and hopefully contribute another entry.

It's all good~ and I still love mustard!

SL bought a can of BBs instead of mustard seeds! :crazy:
I dunno what went wrong on this first attempt at making mustard. Seemed pretty simple.

Didn't have time to do a good google of mustard recipes, but the challenge is still on! If I have time, I'll do some more research to find out what I did wrong and hopefully contribute another entry.

It's all good~ and I still love mustard!


How very odd..... :crazy:

You know, I bought really cheap mustard seeds. Perhaps that's the difference. After a few hours, those seeds should have sucked up all the liquid in that bowl and have been ready for more. Perhaps you should try a blender on this next go-round instead of the processor and boat motor.

Please holler at me if i can help!
Thanks, guys,

THP! :rofl:

The seeds were expensive, organic stuff from the hippy-food-store. But I wouldn't think that should make a difference.

Next time I'll go cheap-o like Pauly suggested.
Thanks, guys,

THP! :rofl:

The seeds were expensive, organic stuff from the hippy-food-store. But I wouldn't think that should make a difference.

Next time I'll go cheap-o like Pauly suggested.

I have an idea.

Why not put'em in the spice grinder.....THEN soak them? I bet money that'll do it! :dance:
I dunno what went wrong on this first attempt at making mustard. Seemed pretty simple.

Didn't have time to do a good google of mustard recipes, but the challenge is still on! If I have time, I'll do some more research to find out what I did wrong and hopefully contribute another entry.

It's all good~ and I still love mustard!


I'm thinking of giving this a go too. I did come across a website that claims that heat activates an enzyme that kills the flavor of mustard so don't be tempted to hurry the soaking process by boiling your seeds. When using in a recipe, add mustard near the end of cooking. It also said that when making mustard from the whole seeds, it'll require a bit of time as the seeds should soak and the prepared mustard tastes much better after it has "ripened" for a few days. Because of this, you will not get a clear flavor just after mixing. They should balance out after a few days of sitting.

Of course this is all 'book' knowledge on my part as I have yet to give this a go :).
One of the little bits of info I gleaned a while back on mustard making was that cooking the mustard seed destroys the flavor. Mustard made Fresh from mustards seeds take a few days to mellow and the flavors to blend. It will taste harsh at first.
I'm thinking of giving this a go too.......... It also said that when making mustard from the whole seeds, it'll require a bit of time as the seeds should soak and the prepared mustard tastes much better after it has "ripened" for a few days. Because of this, you will not get a clear flavor just after mixing. They should balance out after a few days of sitting.

Good deal! The more the merrier!

As for the flavor "maturing"...... I agree. Mine is already better than it was two days ago. ;)
I've been thinking of making my own mustard since you posted that pic of the Hab mustard you got some time ago. I can't find it anywhere in town, and I figure I can come up with something that'll have some decent flavor and heat myself. I've been thinking about a little rosemary mustard to go with my chicken sammiches. Not too sure what kind of pepper I'm going to pair with it though. Habs have a pretty strong flavor, cayennes have little flavor and ok heat so I dunno just yet...