food No Stress Recipe Challenge

Hey I'm so stress-free I didn't even get around to posting the mustard! But before we get off and running on the next one- here's the mustard, except for the final pictures which I can't find.

black mustard seeds, worcestershire, vinegar, chipotle powder water


After is soaked, I food processor'ed it. It tasted better than the cooked seed batch. Definitely got the bite of the chipotle, but it never really got smooth. Even after adding a little more water and processing again, it still seemed gritty.

I did like the flavor anyway, and would try it again with yellow mustard seeds.

Fun Project, Thanks Marcie!

now on to tortillas!
Well I will be the first to post on the tortilla's!

Ingredients were simple... flour, dried hot peppers, shortening, salt, water, and baking powder.



Let this sit for 10 mins...


Into the cast iron


Now for the tortilla filling... Made a ribeye with garlic and red devils tongue and another with chicken, Philadelphia cream cheese, Buddy's St. Barts sauce, and serranos.







Overall the tortillas were very time I will roll them out a little more. The ribeye ones were goooood. :onfire:
Those look AWESOME!!!!! I've got an enchilada recipe I am dying to try out with homemade tortillas once I get enough time. Here's hoping Friday!
Hey Marcie,

just an idea if we are going to keep the thread going for more fun...

I was thinking (I know! GASP! :eek: ) that it would be good to have the current challenge listed in the sub-title of the OP. You can edit the original post and titles by clicking on "edit" in the original post, click "use full editor" and it will bring up the title, subtitle and post text.

It would be cool if you could put something like "mustard done, tortillas next" or "next challenge- tortillas" [you get the idea~~~] in the sub-title. That way, folks can see when a new challenge is up. Otherwise they may not realize a new challenge has started.
Oh yea...who won?
Hum, 3 June now and the last post was 19 May. Where's Marcie


Are we still on tortilla's or have we moved on to something else?
There's marcie! She's in the top left corner of the picture standing by the top corner of the table with all the shoes :)